Information for people who have been in contact with mpox

This fact sheet is for people how have been told they have been in contact with someone​ with mpox. It provides information on what you should do, vaccination, symptoms, and testing.

Last updated: 27 November 2024

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​How do I know if I have been in contact with mpox?

A health professional from a sexual health clinic or public health unit (PHU), will let you know you have been in contact with someone with mpox.

You may also be told by a person you know that you are a contact.

Reasons you might be a contact:

  • You had sex with someone that now has mpox.
  • You had physical contact with someone with mpox.
  • You live with someone with mpox.
  • You may have had contact with contaminated items, such as bed linen or clothes.

If you are a contact of someone with mpox you can contact your PHU on 1300 066 055 if you have any concerns.

What should I do if I have had contact with someone who has mpox?

There is a risk of getting sick with mpox for 21 days after your last contact with someone with mpox. For 21 days, all people who have been in contact with someone with mpox should:

  • monitor closely for any signs or symptoms of mpox
  • take your temperature if you feel unwell
  • wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser regularly
  • avoid close contact with people at higher risk of infection (young children, older people, people with weak immune systems, and people who are pregnant)
  • not donate blood, cells, tissue, breast milk, semen, or organs.

If you had sex or intimate contact with someone with mpox, for 21 days you should:

  • not have sex
  • avoid close physical contact with other people.

If you work in healthcare, childcare or aged care, please contact your local PHU on 1300 066 055 so they can tell you what need to do to stop the spread of mpox to others in your workplace.

Should I get the mpox vaccination?

If it is less than 14 days since you last had contact with someone with mpox and you have not already received two doses of mpox vaccine you are recommended to have the mpox vaccine as post-exposure preventative vaccination (PEPV). The vaccine works best the sooner it is given (ideally within 4 days of contact with mpox), but still offers protection after this time.

If you are eligible to have mpox vaccination you should get vaccinated even if it’s longer than 14 days since your last contact with someone from mpox. Find out who should be vaccinated and how to book your vaccination.

Vaccination is free, even if you do not have a Medicare card.

What are the symptoms of mpox?

Symptoms can begin 3-21 days after contact with someone who has mpox.

Some people may get early symptoms such as:

  • fever or chills
  • headache
  • muscle aches and back ache
  • tiredness
  • swollen lymph nodes.

Usual symptoms include:

  • rashes, pimple-like lesions or sores, particularly in areas that are hard to see such as the genitals, anus or buttocks
  • ulcers, lesions or sore in the mouth
  • rectal pain (pain in or around the anus), which may occur without a rash.

People who are vaccinated against mpox you may only get mild symptoms, such as a single lesion (sore).

People with mpox infection may be infectious up to 4 days before symptoms start.

People with mpox are infectious until:

  • all the lesions (sores) have crusted
  • scabs have fallen off and a fresh layer of skin has formed underneath
  • any rectal pain is completely gone.

Most people with mpox get better within a few weeks without needing any specific treatment.

Should I get tested for mpox?

If you get symptoms of mpox, you should:

  • cover any exposed lesions (sores) with clothing or a bandage
  • call your GP or local sexual health clinic (SHC), ask to get tested and let them know you have been in contact with someone with mpox
  • call the PHU on 1300 066 055 as soon as possible
  • in an emergency, call Triple Zero (000) straight away and tell them you have been in contact with someone with mpox.

Testing is not recommended unless you get symptoms of mpox.

If you have any concerns you can call your call your GP or local sexual health clinic (SHC).

What other support is available?

Support is available though:

  • ​​ ACON's support services – Offers a range of free and affordable counselling services for LGBTQ+ adults in NSW – (02) 9206 2000
  • QLife – A national and anonymous phone and online counselling service staffed by LGBTQ+ community members – 1800 184 527
  • NSW Mental Heal​​th Line​ – 1800 011 511
  • Beyond Blue– 1800 512 348
  • Lifeline – 13 11 14

Further information

Read the NSW Health Mpox fac​t sheet or visit the NSW Health website.

In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000) straight away.

For free help in your language, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50.​

Current as at: Wednesday 27 November 2024
Contact page owner: Health Protection NSW