DACRIN strategic direction 2024-2029

​The DACRIN strategic plan 2024 – 2029 builds on the successes of past and current collaborative research activities. We will continue to grow and strengthen our network through a strategic approach to research, communication, and partnerships.

Our vision

Expanded and enhanced evidence-informed practice that improves the safety, efficiency, clinical outcomes and client experiences of alcohol and other drug services.

Our mission

To facilitate the conduct of quality AOD clinical research and improvement activities by enhancing collaboration between clinicians, consumers and researchers.

Our strategic priorities and goals

  • Priority 1: Lead drug and alcohol clinical research - Our agenda for alcohol and other drug (AOD) clinical research is collaborative, diverse, rigorous, and driven by clinical needs and consumer priorities.
    • Collective peer review and endorsement of research proposals- Ensure that research and quality improvement activities investigate important clinical questions, are scientifically rigorous, and have sufficient engagement
    • Set the research agenda for DACRIN - Identify potential focus areas in NSW AOD research to better understand the most pressing issues related to substance use and addiction.
    • Better use of data - Use available AOD clinical data to guide AOD clinical research, quality improvement activities, and pilot studies.
  • Priority 2: Build clinical research and translation capacity - Our network has the capacity and capability to produce practice-changing outcomes.
    • Training and professional development - Invest in ongoing training, professional development, and mentoring opportunities to equip our emerging and existing workforce with the capacity and confidence to produce high-quality, relevant research.
    • Research infrastructure - Create and preserve a central infrastructure that supports the collaborative development of research and quality improvement activities and ensures quality by design.
    • Better translation activities - Plan scale-up strategies in advance and leverage technology to enhance the sharing of research findings or quality improvement activity findings.
  • Priority 3: Expand the network and influence change - Our AOD clinical research network is inclusive and has an excellent reputation. Our stakeholders recognise the importance of our role and contributions.
    • Network membership - Include NSW AOD services and people across disciplines, government and non-government jurisdictions, and into regional and rural areas of NSW to ensure a broad representation of real-world practice.
    • Communication and brand awareness - Promote our activities and track record to enhance the confidence of stakeholders, journal editors, funding bodies, and guideline developers in the quality of trials conducted through the network.
    • Strategic influence - Help break down AOD research barriers and improve translation into practice using our voice and influence.

Our commitment

Through our Strategic Plan we are committed to:

  • Ensuring quality by design in our research and quality assurance activities
  • Fostering and supporting consumer involvement 
  • Building and strengthening our network to advance AOD clinical research throughout NSW

Our achievements

Explore our recent progress through the annual reports below. Each report contains summaries of milestones, achievements and successes..

DACRIN achievements 2022-2023​DACRIN achievements ​2019-2021​ ​
Current as at: Wednesday 20 December 2023