Drug and Alcohol Clinical Research and Improvement Network (DACRIN)


The NSW Drug and Alcohol Clinical Research and Improvement Network (DACRIN) is a group of local health district, health network, and non-government organisation alcohol and other drug (AOD) services that work together to improve clinical research in NSW AOD services.

DACRIN is supported by the Ministry of Health and is led by its members. Our goal is to enhance clinical research in NSW AOD sector by promoting collaborations and partnerships between AOD services, clinicians, researchers, and consumers with the ultimate aim of improving the experiences of people affected by alcohol and other drugs.

Learn about our vision and mission​.

DACRIN membership


Join us in improving the clinical research and experiences of people affected by alcohol and other drugs in NSW!

If your organisation offers AOD services to clients in NSW, and meets our eligibility criteria, you can become a member of DACRIN. We aim to support our members by providing opportunities for research participation, partnerships, collaborations, funding, resource sharing, and free or discounted training with industry partners.

Find out more about organisational membership criteria.

Organisation Affiliates

If you are employed by a DACRIN member organisation, you can become a member affiliate and gain access to the exclusive DACRIN SharePoint site. This site provides helpful resources, including discounted or free Good Clinical Practice courses and a library of standardised REDCap electronic Case Report Forms specifically designed for AOD research.
Interested in registering as a member affiliate? Learn more about our member affiliate process.

DACRIN research

DACRIN is dedicated to conducting and supporting clinical research led by investigators. The focus is on enhancing the safety, efficiency, clinical outcomes, and client experiences of AOD services. Our member organisations have supported over 30 research projects, including cutting-edge national and international clinical trials targeting AOD therapeutic areas such as opioid use disorder, methamphetamine dependence, and treatment-resistant cannabis dependence.
Find out more about our research.
Current as at: Friday 12 July 2024