Strategic priority outcomes 2019-2021


Priority 1: Establish, support and grow the network

Strategic objectives

  1. To provide sustainable leadership in clinical research activities in the AOD sector in NSW, in collaboration with clinicians, consumers, professional groups and academic researchers and institutions
  2. To promote and facilitate collaboration in inter-disciplinary multisite clinical research and quality improvement activities across AOD services in NSW.


  • Strategic Plan 2019-2021 developed, endorsed, and implemented.
  • Established Network governance and Terms of Reference.
  • Established and maintained a quarterly Council meeting schedule.
  • Links formed with National Centre for Clinical Research on Emerging Drugs (NCCRED), Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies (NADA).
  • Full membership of the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA) achieved.
  • Welcomed 4 new member organisations (CCLHD, ISLHD, JHFMHN, NSLHD).
  • Initiated membership conversations with NADA and WNSWLHD.
  • Initiated a collaborative project with NADA and the Ministry of Health to conduct a survey of research capacity across the public and NGO AOD sectors.
  • Contributed to national strategies including the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug Ice.
  • Purchased iPads to allocate to and share with member organisations.
  • Invested in training and professional development for member organisations, including an ongoing Good Clinical Practice Train the Trainer program.
  • Developed DACRIN’s visual identity and marketed DACRIN in wide range of forums and conferences.
  • Developed operational systems and processes to facilitate scale up of otherwise localised studies.
  • Developed process to facilitate discussion and development of collaborative research funding applications.
  • Developed a Project Register showcasing the breadth of collaborative clinical research conducted across member services.
  • DACRIN’s ClinTrial Refer app established, populated and maintained.

Priority 2: Develop clinical research infrastructure

Strategic objectives

  1. To streamline AOD clinical research governance, including shared policies and procedures across participating services.
  2. To develop common research metrics and databases, enabling pooling of AOD clinical data and facilitating meta-analyses, with particular regard to the mounting importance of clinical informatics and data linkage methodologies.


  • Consulted in initiatives of the Australian Commission of Safety and Quality in Health Care including the National Clinical Trials Governance Framework.
  • Implemented quarterly DACRIN Coordinator Resource Sharing Days.
  • Conducted empirical review of reimbursement practices for AOD research participants.
  • Initiated DACRIN Data Project with the objective of standardising data collection across AOD clinical research projects.
  • Participated in training and education in use of clinical data for research purposes.
  • Established relationship with COQI Program Manager and broader COQI team.
  • Obtained membership of joint COQI/NDARC Pragmatic Trials Special Interest Group which seeks to develop a proof of concept ‘faux’ trial using routine clinical data.

Priority 3: Build clinical research and translation capacity

Strategic objectives

  1. To increase clinician, consumer and researcher engagement in AOD clinical research and QI activities, including by facilitating workforce development and other capacity building opportunities.
  2. To implement strategies that enable clinician and consumer input into the development of research questions and protocols, and enhance the translation of findings into AOD clinical practice.


  • Supported 47 training or professional development opportunities for staff of 10 LHDs/LHNs.
  • Drafted Terms of Reference and application form for DACRIN Professional Development Award for AOD Clinical Research.
  • Drafted a model of collaboration and partnership between consumers, clinicians and researchers as the foundation of AOD clinical research and evaluation activities.
  • Developed list of peer reviewed publications.
  • Led or contributed to development or updating of multiple State and national clinical practice guidelines, including for depot buprenorphine, alcohol, take home naloxone, toxicology and toxinology, AOD withdrawal, paracetamol poisoning and opioid safety.

Current as at: Thursday 21 December 2023