DACRIN Statewide Coordinator

Michelle Hall

In March 2022, the NSW Ministry of Health Centre for Alcohol and Other Drugs appointed Michelle Hall as the DACRIN Statewide Coordinator.

Michelle is responsible for implementing, managing, promoting, and expanding DACRIN across NSW under the guidance of the DACRIN council. With over 20 years of experience in managing clinical trials and projects in oncology and alcohol and other drugs, Michelle is based in the Hunter New England Local Health District.

DACRIN Council


Professor Adrian Dunlop

Adrian Dunlop is the Director and Senior Staff Specialist at Drug and Alcohol Clinical Services in the Hunter New England Local Health District and has been practising addiction medicine for over 25 years.

In 2020, Adrian was elected as Chair of the DACRIN council, where he represents the council to the NSW Ministry of Health and other important stakeholders. He also oversees the council's operations and provides guidance and support to the Statewide Coordinator.


DACRIN Directors

Steven Childs
Central Coast Local Health District
Drug and Alcohol Service and HIV and Related Programs

Professor Adrian Dunlop
Hunter New England Local Health District
Drug and Alcohol Clinical Services

Mr David Reid
Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District
Drug and Alcohol Service

Dr Jillian Roberts
Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network

Penny Jones
Mid North Coast Local Health District
Alcohol and Other Drug Services

Dr Prasun Datta
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District
Drug and Alcohol Service

Robert Stirling
Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA)

Dr Mark Montebello
Northern Sydney Local Health District
Drug and Alcohol Service

Dr Patricia Collie
Northern NSW Local Health District
Alcohol and Other Drugs

Professor Nick Lintzeris
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
Drug and Alcohol Services

Professor Paul Haber
Sydney Local Health District
Drug and Alcohol Services

Professor Nadine Ezard
St Vincents Health Network Sydney
Alcohol and Drug Service

Dr Gilbert Whitton
South Western Sydney Local Health District
Drug Health Services

Kelly Winter
Southern NSW Local Health District
Alcohol and Other Drugs

Dr Stan Theodorou
Western NSW Local Health District
Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Services

Dr Robert Graham
Western Sydney Local Health District
Drug Health

DACRIN Coordinators

Kathren Combes
Central Coast Local Health District
Drug and Alcohol Service and HIV and Related Programs

Mel Jackson PhD
Hunter New England Local Health District,
Drug and Alcohol Clinical Services

Siyu Qian PhD
Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District
Drug and Alcohol Service

Sobi Kim
Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network

Amber Domberelli PhD
Mid North Coast Local Health District
Alcohol and Other Drug Services

Bimbi Bhattarai PhD
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District
Drug and Alcohol Service

Mei Lin LeePhD
Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA)

Lauren Monds PhD
Northern Sydney Local Health District
Drug and Alcohol Service

Sarah Hutchinson
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
Drug and Alcohol Services

Fahim CaderPhD
Sydney Local Health District
Drug and Alcohol Services

Teodora Zanesheva
St Vincents Health Network Sydney
Alcohol and Drug Service

Kaniz Fatema PhD
South West Sydney Local Health District
Drug Health Services

Meredith Eagle
Western NSW Local Health District
Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Service

Jennifer Luksza
Western Sydney Local Health District
Drug Health

NSW Ministry of Health representative

Barry Edwards
Manager, Strategic Research and Evaluations
Centre for Alcohol and Other Drugs, NSW Ministry of Health

Current as at: Tuesday 18 June 2024