AOD Hubs grant opportunity - Questions and answers guide 2


AOD Hubs grant opportunity

  • Question and answer guide released: 11 August 2023
  • Administered by: Centre for Alcohol and Other Drugs, NSW Ministry of Health
  • Type of grant: Open competitive

The Declaration in the EOI refers to the “Grant Invitation”. Are the Grant Guidelines the Grant Invitation?

The term 'Grant Invitation' refers to the Guideline (and its appendices) which are 'inviting' expressions of interest for the grant.

The Declaration also requires EOI applicants to accept the terms and conditions, yet the Guidelines state contract details are negotiated with the successful application (of Stage 2)

The declaration is asking the applicant to review and accept in principle the standard terms and conditions set out in Appendix B. The specific detail in the contract regarding timelines, activity, indicators etc will be negotiated with the successful organisations. The clauses in Appendix A will be amended to reflect the agreed detail.

I missed the briefing sessions will there be others?

No, however the recordings and slides are available on AOD Hubs.

If we are preparing an Aboriginal Health Impact Statement (AHIS), who is required to sign this? The Statement indicates this must be approved by the relevant Executive Director or Director of the local health district, pillar organisation or Centre within the NSW Ministry of Health.

As part of the consolidated application process for this grant a separate AHIS is not required.

Questions 10 (1A) and 12 (1B) in the Select EOI incorporate key elements of the AHIS. The guideline will be updated and reissued to reflect this clarification.

If successful, when will funding start?

Funding will commence on signing of the contract.

How should funding be reported in the EOI Application?

Funding and budgets should be reported by financial year.

If the funding starts on 1 Dec or 1 Jan, will the funding for year 1 be 6-7 months?

The full annual amount will be provided in year 1 – any unspent funds will be returned or rolled over per the provisions in the contract.

Will funds be provided for exactly 4 years from the start date?

The first year of funding will be transferred when contracts are signed, and the date of first payment is agreed. Thereafter the money will be transferred at the beginning of the financial year or as set out in the payment schedule in the contract. This can be discussed in the negotiation stage with successful applicants. The funding will be contingent on meeting the agreed milestones as set out in the contract and agreements.


Current as at: Friday 11 August 2023