
The Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch (AODB) has a major strategic role with local health districts and specialty networks in developing policy on partnerships with Government, non-government organisations (NGOs) and other relevant stakeholders. This includes improving services for people with drug & alcohol problems, engaging the government and NGO sector, optimising government and NGO contribution, and evaluating outcomes.

Network of Alcohol and Drug Agencies

The Network of Alcohol and Drug Agencies(NADA) is the peak organisation for the non-government alcohol and other drugs sector in NSW. NADA’s vision is one of a connected and sustainable sector providing quality evidence based programs to reduce alcohol and drug related harms to NSW communities.

NADA represents approximately 100 organisational members in NSW and the ACT that provide a broad range of services including health promotion and harm reduction, early intervention, treatment and aftercare programs. Their members comprise of services that are diverse in their structure, philosophy and approach to alcohol and other drugs service delivery.

NADA provides a range of programs and services that focus on sector and workforce development, information management, research and evaluation, governance and management support, sector representation and advocacy, as well as actively contributing to public health policy.

Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of NSW

The Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of New South Wales (AH&MRC) is the peak representative body of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS) and voice of Aboriginal communities on health in NSW. The AH&MRC website provides a range of resources for Aboriginal communities.

The NSW Ministry of Health provides funds to the AH&MRC to manage the Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Network or ADAN. The ADAN supports Aboriginal drug and alcohol workers from local health districts, Aboriginal community controlled health services and non-government organisations to better respond to and treat people with drug and alcohol issues in their own communities. For more information about the ADAN please contact the ADAN Senior Project Officer, AH&MRC on (02) 9212-4777.

ACCHSs deliver culturally appropriate comprehensive primary health and health-related services based on the Aboriginal definition of health.

"Aboriginal health means not just the physical wellbeing of an individual but the social, emotional and cultural wellbeing of the whole Community in which each individual is able to achieve their full potential as a human being, thereby bringing about the total wellbeing of their Community. It is a whole-of-life view and includes the cyclical concept of life-death-life.”

NSW Drug and Alcohol Clinical Research and Improvement Network (DACRIN)

The NSW Drug and Alcohol Clinical Research and Improvement Network (DACRIN) is a collaborative network of Local Health District, Health Network and non-government organisation alcohol and other drug (AOD) services committed to working together to enhance clinical research throughout NSW AOD services.

Supported by the Ministry of Health, DACRIN is a member led organisation which aims to improve clinical research across the NSW AOD sector by providing opportunities for collaborations and partnerships between AOD services, clinicians, researchers and consumers; sharing of resources; improving the experiences of people impacted by alcohol and other drugs and facilitating high quality research with outcomes that matter.

NSW Users & AIDS Association

NSW Users & AIDS Association (NUAA) is a peer based organisation advocating for people who use drugs particularly those who inject drugs. NUAA provides advice, information and referral on matters relating to injecting drug use, blood borne viruses and services and programs available for people using drugs. NUAA runs a range of programs including a needle and syringe program, a health clinic, development and distribution of health education resources, drug and alcohol consumer advocacy and peer support.

Current as at: Monday 8 August 2022