AOD Hubs grant opportunity - Questions and answers guide 1


AOD Hubs grant opportunity

  • Question and answer guide released: 27 July 2023
  • Administered by: Centre for Alcohol and Other Drugs, NSW Ministry of Health
  • Type of grant: Open competitive

Are ISO accredited services eligible? [This] is included under the National Quality Framework for AOD Services

NSW Health does not accept ISO accreditation. Only the approved standards or standards that are equivalent are accepted. To be considered equivalent, standards will need similar levels of health-specific content.

Note also that organisations are eligible if they are working toward accreditation with one of the approved standards. This would require the organisation to demonstrate that they have:

  • current membership of an accrediting agency (such as QIP or ACHS) and
  • evidence of active and recent progress towards accreditation against one of the NSW Health-approved accreditation standards listed above at 4.1.

Evidence of 'active and recent progress' could include signing up for the approved standards.

Are the service lists [the same as] the heat mapping? Shouldn't they be made available to everyone?

The service list and information sources are a version of the 'heat mapping' that we have previously referred to. The mapping platform is still being developed by our contractor. The service list, which has been collated into an Excel spreadsheet, is a temporary workaround and is available to everyone who requests it.

The Ministry of Health will be supplying service mapping data that may assist in service planning and grant applications. If you wish to obtain the service list, please email to request.

A list of publicly available data on alcohol and other drugs that may be useful for service planning is available on Information sources.

Are you recording the session?

Yes, the recordings and the slides are available on AOD Hubs.

Does the hub application need to show how you are linking/ partnering to provide any aspects or services not being provided?

Yes, care pathways, partnerships, collaboration and linkages will be an important element of the model of care that you describe. This will demonstrate to the evaluation panel how the consumer can be connected to the care that they need across the key domains.

As an AMS & ACCO can we lodge a stand-alone application? (for Stream IB)

Yes. However, please note we are looking for a wide range of services to be available to consumers as stated in the guide:  

If your organisation can deliver the breadth of services (social, broader health and AOD) that can achieve the objectives of this grant in-house (without formal partnership) you may apply as a standalone organisation. In this case you must be able to show strong pathways and transfer of care arrangements with relevant services such as inpatient withdrawal units, community-based residential rehabilitation facilities and other AOD specialist services that you do not directly provide. (p11)

Also note for Stream 1A, organisations must be able to show they are part of an existing partnership.

Are there any other restrictions on how funding can be used other than for major capital works?  

Funding must be used to provide services to people experiencing or at risk of AOD harm. Please provide a more specific query for advice on whether funding can be used for a specific item.

Would we get any information on where LHD-led hubs are located?

The LHDs (Stream 2) Hubs are in the next round of grants therefore the locations are not decided yet. Stream 1 applications and location proposals should therefore be based on current service availability and gaps as well as data about AOD-related harm. We suggest you combine your local knowledge and the available data including what existing services there are. See below from the guide:

A local needs analysis and/or other evidence to support the need in the location should be demonstrated. The Ministry of Health will be supplying service mapping data that may assist in service planning and grant applications. If you wish to obtain the service list, please email to request.

A list of publicly available data on Alcohol and Other Drugs that may be useful for service planning is available on the CAOD website (p11)

Can an organisation apply to run Hubs in multiple locations and with multiple partners? Should this be through one application or several?

See answer below.

Can an organisation apply for two different Hubs for two different priority populations?

Each organisation can only submit one application as lead applicant for each stream they are eligible for. Additionally, organisations can only receive one grant.

Organisations can make one application to each stream they are eligible for. If you wish to apply to provide services in more than one area, or for more than one priority population, this should be part of one grant application, with a total of no more than $600,000 (Stream 1A) or $1,000,000 (Stream 1B).

Only one grant will be provided to any individual organisation. If an organisation submits applications as lead applicant for both stream 1A and 1B, they will need to indicate on the application form which one is their preferred option in the event that they are ‘successful’ in both.

Organisations can be involved in more than one application as ‘collaborator’ or non-lead partner not directly being funded by the Ministry.

What is the term of the funding? Is it ongoing more than 1 year?

The term of the funding is four years. The Ministry of Health will be evaluating outcomes, which will assist in demonstrating value and impact of services and inform future funding decisions.

Briefing two 31/07/23

Does Stream 1 provide enough funds to the ACCO sector given the lack of recognised and recurrent funding in AMS and the unmet need and priority to support Aboriginal clients and families?

While there will be quarantined funding in both streams for ACCOs, this is the minimum amount that will be provided to ACCOs not the maximum. At least $600,000 is quarantined for Stream 1A and at least $1,000,000 is quarantined for Stream 1B.

We acknowledge that there is significant unmet need remaining across the state in Aboriginal communities and other priority population groups.

Is there capital funding available for new hubs if ACCO-led

There is no capital funding available for Stream 1A or 1B.

Would a service providing specialist homelessness services be eligible to apply to add AOD workers in stream 1A

Yes, specialist homelessness services are eligible if they meet the definition of a partnership. To be competitive, non-AOD services should be seeking to integrate significant AOD enhancements. See below from the guide:

Partnerships (for the purpose of this grant) are defined as two or more organisations that work together towards a shared goal. They can be formal or informal. Characteristics can include (but are not limited to) shared governance arrangements e.g., joint committee, working groups, boards, shared documents and processes to guide care delivery, written agreements on consumer pathways, joint meetings, and/or shared funding arrangements. (p11)

For Stream 1A they also need to show they are part of an existing successful partnership.

For stream 1B - can you focus on one priority group?


Can you advise the timeline for Stream 2 LHD Led Hubs Grants process

We don't have the specific timelines confirmed yet as there are dependencies that need to be finalised first. They will open in Spring/Summer 2023.

Will there be specific KPIs or reporting requirements if successful? Other than addressing priority population i.e for steam 1B.

Yes, these will be developed at a later stage with the successful applicants. Aside from the AOD Minimum Data Set, reporting will be required against implementation milestones until the service is fully operational. A selection of activity and outcomes indicators will also be regularly collected to monitor the success of the program.

Why am I unable to access the documents without being asked to provide credentials?

This is a known issue still being investigated, but so far appears limited to NSW Health networks, while working in Edge.

The workaround is to use Chrome, or if in Edge, right click on link and select Save link as.

For new services, where is the workforce?

Workforce constraints are acknowledged as a significant issue across the health and AOD sector.

Proposals can include traineeships, cadetships, scholarships or other workforce development initiatives to grow the organisations’ workforce where there are known workforce gaps.

For example, a Hub can be proposed with a gradual build-up to full operations that allows for building the workforce. This would see a smaller number of staff (or a more junior staffing mix) initially and build-in sufficient lead time to train and upskill additional staff over 1 – 2 years.

Week 1 Q&A

While we understand NGOs are required to be the lead in 1B, can LHDs receive some funding from the partnership to fill an identified gap (e.g. LGBTQ+ Peer Worker)?

LHDs can receive funding only indirectly as part of the partnership. Funding will be provided from the Ministry to the lead partner, which can then make arrangements for funding any service providers it engages.

Can we include sector capacity building in 1B? (e.g. training of partner organisations in inclusive and affirming care)

Yes, sector capacity building can be included as one of the services provided.

We understand there will be an LHD-focused grant round in Spring/Summer. Can you advise if there will be a focus on priority populations within this grant round as well?

While no decision has been made about the focus of Stream 2 grants, all Ice Inquiry-related initiatives seek to prioritise the provision of services to the most underserved populations based on identified need.

The EOIs request a total budget and specification of the roles to be funded. Are the budgets and new roles provided in the EOI binding? That is, if we are successful and the EOI progresses, and the partners have further consideration, is there an opportunity when submitting a full application to vary the budget and/or roles, within the maximum available funding?

Applicants should be as accurate as possible. Substantial changes to the proposed roles between the Initial EOI and the Select EOI should be avoided. The Evaluation Committee will have considered staffing mix and budget in their assessment of the proposal’s multidisciplinary approach and value for money when shortlisting applications.

Where further development of the model has led to revision of the staffing mix or budget following the initial EOI, the applicant should identify and explain the amendments. The AOD Hubs Grants Questions and Answer Guide Evaluation Panel will consider on a case-by-case basis whether the application’s new model remains broadly similar to that previously shortlisted.

I note that the closing time is 4pm in the Guidelines and 5pm on the front page of the Guidelines and webpage. Please clarify.

The closing time for applications is 5 pm 24 August 2023. The inconsistency has been corrected in the amended Guidelines.

Please refer to the website for the latest version of the amended Guideline.

[Organisation name] currently does not have any of the [approved] accreditations, but we are in the process of obtaining accreditations under ASES and the National Standards for Mental Health Services, which we intend to achieve by early 2024. Would we still be eligible to make an application on our own (i.e. without any partners), or would we be required to partner with an organisation who has one of the accreditations above in order to be eligible?

Yes. The Guidelines note that organisations are eligible if they are accredited or working toward accreditation with one of the approved standards.

This would require the organisation to demonstrate that they have:

  • current membership of an accrediting agency (such as QIP or ACHS) and
  • evidence of active and recent progress towards accreditation against one of the NSW Health-approved accreditation standards listed above at 4.1.

Evidence of 'active and recent progress' could include signing up for the approved standards.

Also note for Stream 1A, organisations will need to show they are part of an existing partnership.

Our organisation is seeking to develop 3 hubs simultaneously - each focusing on a different priority population: We have obtained facilities for each of these Hubs through partnerships. Could you kindly advise us on: whether we can proceed with a single application for these 3 hubs also whether we need to select one of the hubs as the 'office hub' or main centre for contact.

7.1: Organisations can only apply for one grant for each stream. Please refer to Q9 above for further details.

 7.2: Hubs do not need to be located on the one site. Provided that it is within the available funding envelope one organisation can put in a proposal to deliver a Hub from multiple sites, operating as a hub and spoke or similar approach.

Current as at: Friday 4 August 2023