Select EOI questions and answers 2

​4 October 2023

For Stream 1B, there is no question relating to 'Letters of Support'. The 'AOD Hubs initial EOI decision letter I received has tick box for 'Letters of Support'.

The Grant Guidelines only request letters of support in Stream 1A Question 7.

Can you please confirm that letters of support are not required for Stream 1B.

Letters of support are not required for Stream 1B. They are only required for stream 1A, Question 7.

However, you may wish to submit a letter from a partner organisation as part of the response to question 1 'letters or emails agreeing to working arrangements'. This is optional.

Does the AOD staff member need to have specialized software to report activities and KPI's? For example, reporting on core indicators.

If yes, what is this and what is the software cost?

To report core indicators your organisation can use NADA base, which is a comprehensive system for client data collection and reporting.

NADA provides the database free to members to Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment National Minimum Dataset, the NSW Minimum Dataset for Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment and the Client Outcomes Measurement System. Refer to the cost of NADA membership.

 Organisations that are not NADA members may arrange alternative MDS reporting arrangements which comply with NSW Health policy. In this instance organisations can import the data directly from in house systems. The CAOD are unable to comment on the software costs. Refer to more information on how organisations collect and report NSW MDS data .

Current as at: Wednesday 4 October 2023