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In NSW in 2022, infant feeding on discharge from hospital was reported for 91,012 liveborn babies. Sixty-six per ​cent of babies were fully breastfed at the time of discharge from the hospital, 9.0% were receiving infant formula only, and a further 22.3% were being partially breastfed. Rates of full breastfeeding varied from 52.7% in South Western Sydney Local Health District to 79.9% in Northern NSW Local Health District.

Live births by infant feeding on discharge and local health district of residence, NSW 2022

By number of births

​​​Local Health DistrictFull breastfeedingPartial breastfeedingInfant formula only​​Not statedTotal
South Western Sydney72074220169854513670
South Eastern Sydney663923865261529703
Illawarra Shoalhaven3398512539344483
Western Sydney85684260121635414398
Nepean Blue Mountains29179666163464845
Northern Sydney604018843401598423
Central Coast2949470349423810
Hunter New England80121591113931811060
Northern NSW21182311641372650
Mid North Coast1644292212542202
Southern NSW1204159127261516
Western NSW2522552507893670
Far West14817343202
Other–not stated65332066401079

By percentage of births

​​​Local Health DistrictFull breastfeedingPartial breastfeedingInfant formula only​​Not statedTotal
South Western Sydney52.730.912.44.0100.0
South Eastern Sydney68.424.65.41.6100.0
Illawarra Shoalhaven75.811.412.00.8100.0
Western Sydney59.529.68.42.5100.0
Nepean Blue Mountains60.219.912.77.1100.0
Northern Sydney71.722.44.01.9100.0
Central Coast77.412.39.21.1100.0
Hunter New England72.414.410.32.9100.0
Northern NSW79.
Mid North Coast74.713.39.62.5100.0
Southern NSW79.410.58.41.7100.0
Western NSW68.715.013.82.4100.0
Far West73.38.416.81.5100.0
Other–not stated60.529.76.13.7100.0



Source: NSW Perinatal Data Collection (SAPHaRI). Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence, NSW Ministry of Health.

Current as at: Wednesday 31 July 2024