Rapid Patient Experience Survey (RPES) FAQs

​Below you will find Frequently Asked Questions about the Rapid Patient Experience Survey pilot. For more information please contact MOH-PatientMeasures@health.nsw.gov.au

On this page

About the survey

What is a “rapid" survey?

A 'rapid' survey is a fast way to gain feedback from patients, meaning:

  • The survey is sent to patients after a stay in hospital (within 72 hours of being home).
  • Healthcare workers can see your feedback as soon as you complete the survey and use it to improve the patient healthcare experience.

What is the purpose of the Rapid Patient Experience Survey?

The Rapid Patient Experience Survey helps us understand your experience soon after you have received care from NSW Health. It helps us to quickly see where we can improve the care we provide to you and your community.

Which hospitals are using the survey?

We are trialling this survey in select hospitals. This includes Central Coast, Hunter New England, Murrumbidgee and Southern NSW local health districts.

How does NSW Health protect my health information?

We follow strict government standards for the secure storage of your health information.

Responses to the survey are collected and securely stored by NSW Health. When you do the survey, you are giving consent to share your feedback with NSW Health.

For more information, please read the NSW Health Privacy Leaflet for Patients or contact the local Privacy Contact Officer. You can also contact the local Privacy Contact Officer to check the survey text message is from NSW Health.

Answering the survey

Why did I get the survey?

You have been sent the survey because:

  • You stayed for more than one day in a hospital.
  • You went home after your stay.
  • You are over 18 years old.

Why should I do the survey?

NSW Health is committed to the best possible care. Your feedback helps us learn what is working well and what needs to be improved.

Do I have to answer the survey?

No, but sharing your feedback will help us improve our care.

How can I let you know I do not want to answer the survey?

If you don't want to do the survey, you can let us know by:

  1. Going to the survey via the link in your text message
  2. At the bottom of the page, select 'I do not want to answer the survey'

What am I asked in the survey?

The survey asks seven questions about your experience in hospital. The questions are:

  1. During your stay in hospital, how much information about your condition or treatment was given to you?
  2. Did the health professionals explain things in a way you could understand?
  3. Were you involved, as much as you wanted to be, in decisions about your care and treatment?
  4. Were the health professionals kind and caring towards you?
  5. Thinking about when you left the hospital, were you given enough information about how to manage your care at home?
  6. How would you rate how well the health professionals worked together as a team?
  7. Overall, how would you rate the care you received while in hospital?

How long will it take to do the survey?

The survey is short and should take 3-5 minutes.

When do I need to do the survey by?

You can do the survey at any time after your stay in hospital. We will send another text message if you do not do the survey within two weeks.

Will I get other surveys from NSW Health?

Yes, you may get other surveys from NSW Health. Different types of surveys help us find out how patients view their care by NSW Health. The statewide NSW Patient Survey Program is a survey we might also send you.

How can I tell you more about my experience?

Please go to the ‘contact us’ page on the NSW Health website. You can also visit your local hospital’s website for their contact details.

Current as at: Thursday 25 July 2024
Contact page owner: Patient Experience