Elevating the Human Experience – Our Guide to Action


The Elevating the Human Experience: Our guide to action for patient, family,
carer and caregiver experiences acknowledges that outstanding clinical outcomes are critical but that patient experience should also be invested in, prioritised and delivered on. This will ensure that that patients and caregivers are supported across the continuum of care.

This first statewide Guide to Action builds on existing work to outline a coordinated approach and transform us into a truly human-centred health system. The goal is to transform the way staff partner with patients and acknowledge the powerful voice of our consumers. By doing so, we will set new standards for excellence in human experiences – for every person, every time.

Easy-read version

An easy-read version is also available.

File Size: 8341 kb
Type: Strategy
Date of Publication: 01 September 2020
ISBN: 978-1-76081-415-1
SHPN: 200271