The Whole of Health Program (WOHP) can provide hospitals with an objective perspective on problem identification to guide a facility on where to start with patient flow improvement. Performance support is often analysed through six areas reflective of patient flow:
Alternative to ED or Admissions
ED and Front Door flows
Bed Management and patient flow
Hospital support functions
- Discharge and follow up

Diagnostic work and understanding of the problem should be completed prior to solution design and development support. For more information refer to the WOHP Data and Analytics component.
Solution design and development support is centered around ensuring solutions are created which target the root cause of the problem.
Implementation requires active sponsorship throughout the project. Implementation support focuses on appropriate communication and engagement of key stakeholders. Implementation support also involves the coaching and mentoring of the project lead to effectively manage change and implementation.
Evaluation can also occur at the start of a project to ensure targets are being met (formative evaluation), throughout a project to determine if the plan is being followed and the project or program is on track (process evaluation). Or a summative evaluation of a service, process or change after it has been implemented. This determines if targets were met and provides the opportunity to discuss areas that require a decision to be made by the executive sponsor. Evaluation structure should include: Planning, Information collection, Synthesis and documentation, Decision making, Transition into 'Business as Usual' and project sustainability.
Each project supported by WOHP is under pinned by five key building blocks:
- Partnering - Partnering with executive sponsors and site leads for effective governance and leadership ensuring WOHP support meets their needs.
- Sprinting - Improvement based on best practice and using rigour to track the progress and impact. WOHP provides strategic, operational and policy advice to ensure improvements align to statewide direction.
- Enabling - Enabling knowledge transfer and fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing between staff at hospitals, agencies and networks. WOHP will enable site leads to connect through leveraging system-wide relationships.
- Monitoring - Providing monitoring and measurement through data, analysis and literature.
- Learning - System-wide capability building, coaching and upskilling of site leads in all areas related to their project.