Historically, patients who are waiting for guardianship matters to be heard by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) experience extended lengths of stay with associated significant costs to the organisation since they must remain in hospital while waiting for the outcome or determination of a guardianship hearing. NCAT Guardianship Division conducts hearings for persons identified as lacking capacity to make informed decision that impact their daily lives, such as decisions related to healthcare, accommodation and/or lifestyle.
NSW Health, the Premier’s Implementation Unit, NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT), the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG), NSW Treasury and NSW Trustee and Guardian (TAG) partnered to review and identify options for reducing processing times for hospital patients requiring guardianship decisions.
A six month pilot was conducted in January 2017 with the following interventions:
- a dedicated NCAT team for hospital applications
- ACAT assessment to be conducted pre-hearing
- education for key hospital stakeholders
- single point of contact at Ministry of Health for guardianship
- increased involvement of OPG in hospital-related guardianship hearings (Hospital Hearing Team).
The final pilot evaluation identified benefits for patients and the system including:
- Improved patient outcomes – by having patient in the right care, right place, right time. Patients could be discharged from hospital to more appropriate settings much sooner.
- The average time patients are now waiting in NSW hospitals for guardianship processes has reduced from 83 days to 27 days.
- Building capacity in the system by making bed days available that would have been occupied by patients waiting for a guardianship order. There was a bed day saving of 46,155 if measured over 12 months.
- Increased staff skills and knowledge base. Over 400 staff attended the face to face training modules.
For further assistance please contact the Guardianship Relationship manager Phone: (02) 9461 7222.