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In NSW, the perinatal mortality rate among babies born to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers has increased slightly from 11.7 per 1,000 births in 2018 to 12.1 per 1,000 births​ in 2022. The rate of 12.1 per 1,000 births experienced among babies born to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander mothers in 2022 is higher than the rate of 8.4 per 1,000 births experienced among babies born to non-Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander mothers.​

Perinatal deaths, bab​ies born to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal mothers, NSW 2018–2022

By number of births

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander​ mothers

Perinatal deaths20182019202020212022
Neonatal death17​15

Non-Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander​ mothers

Perinatal deaths20182019202020212022
Neonatal death159181163184155

By rate per 1​,000 births

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander​ mothers

Perinatal deaths20182019202020212022
Neonatal death4.

Non-Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander​ mothers

Perinatal deaths20182019202020212022
Neonatal death1.


Perinatal deaths, babies born to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal mothers, NSW 2018–2022


Source: NSW Perinatal Data Collection (SAPHaRI). Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence, NSW Ministry of Health.

Perinatal deaths include deaths reported to the Perinatal Data Collection only. As the Perinatal Data Collection form record is completed at discharge or transfer of the baby, deaths occurring after this time may not be reported to the Perinatal Data Collection. Due to under-reporting of Aboriginal mothers to the Perinatal Data Collection, it is likely that the true numbers of perinatal deaths are higher than shown. For more information refer to Estimated level of reporting. Table excludes 17 babies of mothers where the mother’s Aboriginality was not stated.

Current as at: Wednesday 31 July 2024