The delegations in this manual come from the requirements of some 20 Acts that are public health related and are administered by the Ministry of Health through such areas as:
- Public Health Units
- local health districts and Public Hospitals
- Pharmaceutical Services
- Private Health Care Monitoring
- The NSW Blood Transfusion Services
- The Institute of Forensic Medicine.
Where a number appears at the bottom of an amended page [e.g. 59(22/01/14) - amendment number, date instrument was signed, an alteration has been made or a new delegation included.
Amendment 176(10/03/25)
Amendment to Secretary delegations (PH380), (PH381) and (PH604) to include as delegate the Director Forensic & Analytical Science Service.
Amendment 175(05/02/25)
New delegation (PH668) delegating the Minister's functions under section 148(1) and 148(2) of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2022.
Amendment 174(19/11/24)
Secretary delegation (PH652) amended to delegate the Secretary’s functions as they now appear in sections 5(2)(a), 6(2)(b), 6(4), and 6(5)(b) under the amended
Music Festivals Act 2019.