Accounting Manual for Public Health Organisations

This manual contains the financial, accounting and audit policy and procedures applicable to public health organisations and should be read in conjunction with the Accounts & Audit Determination for Public Health Organisations.

Accounting Manual for Public Health Organisations Index


Where a number appears at the bottom of an amended page [e.g. 13(29/03/12) - amendment number, date] an alteration has been made or new section included.

Amendment 31(29/9/16)
This amendment reflects the provisions of PD2016_042 as notified by Strategic Relations and Communications on 29 September 2016.

Amendment 30(25/2/16)
This amendment reflects the provisions of PD2016_005 as notified by Strategic Relations and Communications on 25 February 2016.

Amendment 29(02/03/15)
This amendment is being issued because PD2013_040 was rescinded by PD2014_048 and was not removed from the manual.

Current as at: Friday 13 January 2017