Opioid Treatment Program (OTP)

SafeScript NSW can assist practitioners in making informed clinical decisions. It is recommended practitioners continue to check SafeScript NSW for evidence of alerts or other issues related to the prescribing or supply of high-risk monitored medicines.

The NSW Ministry of Health requires that prescribing is in accordance with the NSW Clinical Guidelines: Treatment of opioid dependence and the Clinical Guidelines for use of depot buprenorphine (Buvidal® and Sublocade®) in the treatment of opioid dependence.

The NSW Ministry of Health recommends all OTP prescribers complete the Fundamentals of Training and Opioid Treatment Accreditation Course. To become an accredited OTP prescriber in NSW completion of the full OTAC course is required.

The NSW Ministry of Health recommends that all prescribing is in accordance with the approved Product Information (PI) and published recommendations.

Applicants are advised to consider if the patient would benefit from a review by an addiction medicine specialist to manage any perceived drug dependence concerns.

Applicants can contact experienced clinical advisors and addiction medicine specialists to obtain general clinical advice and support when managing patients with drug and alcohol issues, by calling the free Drug & Alcohol Specialist Advisory Service (DASAS) on Metropolitan Area: (02) 8382 1006; Regional, Rural & Remote NSW: 1800 023 687, available 24/7. This advice line cannot provide support for an application for an approval.

The Opioid Treatment Line (OTL) is a confidential, anonymous service that provides assistance and support to individuals with questions or concerns relating to opioid dependence treatment in NSW. Frequent calls to OTL include questions around:

  • where and how to access treatment
  • types of treatment available
  • NSW Guidelines around treatment and clients' and providers' rights and responsibilities
  • problems contacting or communicating with treatment providers
  • transferring between areas, states and countries
  • dissatisfaction with treatment.

The Opioid Treatment Line can be contacted on: 1800 642 428

For further information, please visit St Vincent's Hospital Opioid Treatment Line.

Explore the pharmaceutical services web pages for further information.

Current as at: Thursday 30 May 2024
Contact page owner: Pharmaceutical Services