​Getting started

SafeScript NSW allows prescribers to see all their active approvals including those within the organisations they are attached to.

Eligible users will be able to withdraw, cancel and exit any active approvals and prescribers will be able to renew approvals already held by them.

To learn more about managing approvals, watch this video below:



For further instructions on the 'Approvals' page navigation or how to link organisations to profiles, see WebHelp.

Approval statuses

Prescribers will be able to see approvals on the 'Approvals' page. These will have a status assigned to it, showing how an approval is progressing. In many cases, approvals can be granted in real-time. For other cases, extra checks may be required to finalise the approval.

Approval status descriptions

Status What it means
Approved The approval application has been approved and is currently active or will become active for future dated approvals.
Cancelled The approval was originally approved but either a user has requested to end the approval earlier than the expiry date or a regulator has forcibly ended the approval.
Draft The approval application has been started but is yet to be completed.
Exit pending The approval is being reviewed to process an approval exit.
Exited The approval has been exited.
Expired The approval has expired.
In progress The approval application is being reviewed by a regulator but is yet to be completed.
Not approved The approval has not been approved.
Not required The approval application was submitted for an item that does not require an authority/approval by that prescriber.
Pending The regulator is waiting for additional information from the applicant.
Referred The approval application has been referred for external review prior to it being approved.
Submitted The approval application has been received from the prescriber or it has been manually entered into SafeScript NSW by a regulator but it is yet to be finalised.
To finalise The approval application has been escalated to a senior regulator.
Withdraw Either the:
(a) applicant has decided to not continue with their application prior to receiving the approval
(b) regulator has removed the application because the applicant hasn't completed the application after a designated period.


Approval application outcomes

The 'Correspondence' page gives prescribers access to all messages that have been sent to them, such as approval or exit letters.

To learn more about the My Correspondence tab and how you can best use it, watch this video:​



For further instructions on 'Correspondence', see WebHelp.

What if I'm a locum prescriber?

Once a prescriber is added as a locum, the locum prescriber will have access to approvals issued to the original prescriber.

In SafeScript NSW, the 'Correspondence' page will be populated with all approvals relevant to your and the original prescriber's patients. Once the locum arrangement ends, the original prescriber can end-date their arrangement, and all letters related to their patients will no longer appear on your 'Correspondence' page.

For further instructions on setting up locums, see WebHelp.​​

Current as at: Thursday 30 May 2024
Contact page owner: Pharmaceutical Services