Before applying for approvals in SafeScript NSW, there are several steps to set up your account correctly to help streamline the process and make it easier for you to apply to prescribe and/or supply high-risk medicines.
To make the most of SafeScript NSW, it is important to link yourself to the organisations where you work. Organisations include medical clinics, hospitals, correctional facilities and other places of practice.
By linking to an organisation, you will be able to easily apply for approvals, view relevant patient details and keep track of your applications.
You can also access your communication preferences for SafeScript NSW from your profile page. You can change your preferred phone number and contact email address as well as opt-out of correspondence emails.
By default, you will receive emails from SafeScript NSW for updates and correspondence for approvals you apply for. These emails will be sent to the contact email address.
You can opt-out of these emails at any time by toggling the tab from 'Opt in' to 'Opt out'. If you opt-out of correspondence, you will not be notified when your application status has changed.
To view more details about the organisation, you can select the organisation’s name. This will open the organisation’s page in a separate tab.
When you are linked to the organisation, you can edit contact information to keep it up-to-date.
You can also view Dosing Point details on this screen, as well as Practitioners and NSW Health Employees associated to the organisation.
Expand each section to view more.
In the organisation details page, a prescriber can add known users to the organisation they share. NSW Health employees involved in the care of OTP patients will need to be granted access by being linked to organisations.
When a NSW Health employee cannot be found in the system, prescribers will need to send them an invitation to register.