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The Hon. Ryan Park MP
The Hon. Rose Jackson, MLC
The Hon. David Harris, MP
2017 media releases from The Hon. Brad Hazzard, MP
Media releases
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NSW Health
The Hon. Ryan Park, MP
The Hon. Rose Jackson, MP
The Hon. David Harris, MP
2017 media releases from The Hon. Brad Hazzard, MP
Content 1
Subscribe to RSS to keep up to date with the latest media releases from The Hon. Brad Hazzard, MP.
2017/12 - December
Sutherland hospital expansion officially open
[16 December 2017]
Premier signs MOU in China
[6 December 2017]
$3 million for regional palliative care specialists
[4 December 2017]
2017/11 - November
Patients to get faster access to medicinal cannabis
[23 November 2017]
$100 million for out-of-hospital care
[22 November 2017]
Have your say on palliative care in NSW
[17 November 2017]
$12 million Biobank to revolutionise research
[13 November 2017]
2017/10 - October
More beds, more services for St George Hospital
[30 October 2017]
$251 million Shellharbour Hospital underway
[27 October 2017]
Narrabri wins NSW Healthy Town Challenge
[12 October 2017]
Blacktown Hospital’s $18M high-tech car park
[5 October 2017]
2017/09 - September
Deniliquin’s new $961,000 renal dialysis unit
[26 September 2017]
Scalpel games showcases future surgeons
[23 September 2017]
State's top nurses and midwives rewarded
[15 September 2017]
Tougher vaccination rules for child care
[14 September 2017]
NSW Government $3 million blitz for surgery
[11 September 2017]
Expanded renal care services for Griffith
[11 September 2017]
Bright paediatric unit opens at Lismore
[8 September 2017]
Coraki welcomes $4 million health hub
[8 September 2017]
$2.46M to unravel genetic mystery of bipolar disorder
[5 September 2017]
New lifesaving asthma tools for schools
[4 September 2017]
2017/08 - August
$9 Million Ryde Hospital upgrade completed
[11 August 2017]
New Chair for Southern NSW LHD Board
[3 August 2017]
Parents not planting enough vegies on plates
[2 August 2017]
2017/07 - July
Roundtables reveal palliative care needs
[13 July 2017]
New Maitland Hospital to deliver free public health care and jobs
[12 July 2017]
$50 million Bowral Hospital upgrade to start
[7 July 2017]
$200 million hospital upgrade for Wyong
[6 July 2017]
Westmead Hospital’s $900m overhaul on track
[4 July 2017]
Patients save $200 a week in hospital parking
[1 July 2017]
2017/06 - June
Gosford’s $348m hospital on top of the world
[28 June 2017]
More life-saving breast screens for the Coast
[28 June 2017]
Realising the vision for Randwick Health and Education Precinct
[23 June 2017]
NSW Budget: Nearly $1 billion for ambulance services
[19 June 2017]
$536 million heralds eHealth revolution in NSW
[17 June 2017]
NSW Budget: New world-class hospital for Tweed Heads
[13 June 2017]
NSW Budget: record $100m palliative care funding
[13 June 2017]
Regional NSW to benefit from record $100 million palliative care package
[13 June 2017]
Forum to support and protect junior doctors
[6 June 2017]
$2.83M “bionic ear” upgrade for public patients
[4 June 2017]
2017/05 - May
More support for communities to go smoke-free
[31 May 2017]
$4 million for schizophrenia research
[18 May 2017]
Improvements underway for Bega’s hospital
[16 May 2017]
Nominations open for top nurses and midwives
[12 May 2017]
Review into mental health practice
[12 May 2017]
Cannabis trial for chemotherapy expanded
[11 May 2017]
$14M paediatric intensive care unit for Hunter
[1 May 2017]
Big Red Kidney Bus embarks on NSW holiday tour
[1 May 2017]
2017/04 - April
Palliative care a priority for NSW
[26 April 2017]
First-ever family obesity service opens in NSW
[24 April 2017]
Mullumbimby Hospital site offered to Council
[24 April 2017]
Armidale Hospital 'topped out' by Minister
[19 April 2017]
Work starts on Australia's biggest morgue
[13 April 2017]
Roundtables on future for palliative care
[10 April 2017]
Protect against mozzies this Easter
[7 April 2017]
Students offered free meningococcal W vaccine
[4 April 2017]
NSW backs nation's first young adult hospice
[3 April 2017]
2017/03 - March
NSW leading the way in HPV vaccinations
[30 March 2017]
NSW hosts global forum on medicinal cannabis
[29 March 2017]
Independent review into South East Regional Hospital
[17 March 2017]
2017/02 - February
Care and convenience for patients with new PET scanner at St George Hospital
[14 February 2017]
$107 million delivers record number of interns for ‘burbs and the bush
[8 February 2017]
Meningococcal W protection for NSW teens
[6 February 2017]
Content 2
Current as at: Wednesday 25 October 2017
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