Realising the vision for Randwick Health and Education Precinct

23 June 2017

The NSW Government is progressing the vision for a state-of-the-art Randwick Health and Education Precinct.

Treasurer Dominic Perrottet and Minister for Health and Medical Research Brad Hazzard today released the initial artist’s impression of the expanded health and education Precinct which is expected to become an economic powerhouse for Sydney.

“This is a generational opportunity to redefine and optimise the long-term opportunities for health, education, transport and economic growth for Eastern Sydney,” Mr Perrottet said.

Minister for Health Brad Hazzard said locating clinical care, research and education in an integrated single setting will have a number of benefits, including a rapid translation of research results directly to bedside care.

“Expanding the campus to the west is the best way to integrate health, research and education partners and deliver new hospital infrastructure as well as the capacity for further future expansion of clinical services so that Randwick can continue to grow as a centre for medical and academic excellence,” Mr Hazzard said.

University of NSW President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ian Jacobs, welcomed the announcement.

“As well as improving health services to our local communities, the opportunity to achieve this level of seamless physical and working integration between the hospital and UNSW will enable us to compete at the forefront internationally in health research and education,” Professor Jacobs said.

“That in turn will attract outstanding clinicians and academics, drive better healthcare and research and yield economic benefits for the community.”

This year’s Budget sees a $720 million funding investment for the Randwick Campus redevelopment.

A new Acute Services Building will be built to the west of the existing Randwick Hospitals Campus. The redevelopment will include a new emergency department, extra beds, new operating theatres, and expanded rehabilitation and ambulatory care facilities. A Master Plan for a dedicated mental health precinct has been completed.

The Randwick Campus redevelopment is being led by South Eastern Sy​dney Local Health District (Prince of Wales Hospital) in collaboration with the Sydney Children’s Hospital, Royal Hospital for Women and UNSW.

The artist’s impression can be viewed on Randwick Campus Redevelopment.​​