NSW Budget: New world-class hospital for Tweed Heads

13 June 2017

The spotlight is on the Tweed community with a new, state-of-the-art hospital to cater for the region’s growing population.

Treasurer Dominic Perrottet, Deputy Premier John Barilaro, Minister for Health Brad Hazzard and Tweed MP Geoff Provest today visited the Tweed Hospital and announced the 2017-18 Budget includes funding of up to $534 million for a new hospital in the Tweed region.

Mr Barilaro said the new hospital will greatly improve health services for the region, which is forecast to grow by more than 40 per cent to 128,000 people by 2031.

“The Tweed Shire is the latest area to benefit from the NSW Government’s pledge to enhance regional health services as part of a record hospital-building boom,” Mr Barilaro said.

Mr Perrottet said, “We're a government that has its books in order. When you’re in a strong economic position you can reinvest in your communities and I’m delighted that the Tweed community will have a new, state-of-the-art hospital.”

Mr Hazzard said that senior clinicians consulted during the planning process and lobbying by Mr Provest helped form the decision to build a new hospital in the area, given the constraints of the current site.

“Local member Geoff Provest has been lobbying and advocating for the Tweed community and the Tweed’s nursing and medical workforce for world-class facilities,” Mr Hazzard said.

“At Geoff’s invitation I’ve met with the Medical Staff Council at Tweed Hospital to hear exactly what they need to continue delivering excellent patient care – and this new hospital will deliver just that.”

Mr Provest said: “This is fabulous news, it’s the biggest news in the Tweed in decades. It’s taken a Liberals and Nationals Government, which I am part of, to recognise the needs of the Tweed and I am so proud of what we are going to achieve here.

“A new hospital for the Tweed area means patients in our region will get a welcoming, modern facility that provides the best care for the future,” Mr Provest said.

Some highlights of the new hospital will likely include:

  • more overnight beds
  • more operating theatres
  • a larger emergency department
  • an integrated cancer care service
  • enhanced cardiac care services.

An Expression of Interest and site selection process to identify the most suitable site for the new hospital will commence shortly.

Over the coming months, the project team will work with staff and clinicians to understand how services will be delivered at the new hospital.

This will determine the project design and construction program, which should be finalised mid-next year.