Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative (HASI) Plus program

What types of supports are provided?

The Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative (HASI) Plus is a statewide high intensity transitional program for people with severe mental illness and significant difficulties managing day to day living.  In HASI Plus,  participants have access to a lot of flexible supports which are especially designed to help them recover and then transition to a more independent life in the community. HASI Plus is part of a suite of community-based psychosocial programs for adults called the NSW Mental Health Community Living Programs.

HASI Plus support helps people to achieve their own, unique goals. The types of support people receive depends on their individual needs and what they want to achieve. As some examples, people in the program often get help with:

  • daily living skills like self care, shopping, looking after finances, cooking or catching public transport
  • referral to mental and physical health services where needed and support with mental and physical health appointments, medication management and other treatments
  • participating in social, leisure or sporting activities
  • building relationships with family, friends and local communities
  • learning new skills
  • accessing education or help to get a job
  • help with finding and keeping housing including private or social/community housing
  • moving back into the community from a hospital or a prison
  • accessing other supports like alcohol and other drugs services and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

How much support can I get?

HASI Plus typically provides between 16-24 hours of support a day. Like the types of support, the amount of HASI Plus support you can receive is flexible. The amount of support can change to meet your needs. 

Some people might need only a few hours of support a week while some HASI Plus consumers might get more than 5 hours of support a day. 

Dedicated community-based accommodation

Once accepted into the program, participants move into one of eight community accommodation sites. These are either self-contained apartments or modified houses with shared cooking facilities and living areas.

While anyone in NSW can apply for HASI Plus the accommodation sites are at a limited number of locations:

  • Sydney - North Ryde
  • Sydney - Chatswood
  • Sydney - Narraweena
  • Sydney - Eastwood
  • Sydney - Carlingford
  • Tamworth
  • Newcastle
  • Kempsey
Four community managed organisations have been contracted to deliver HASI Plus in the following LHDs:
  • New Horizons (Northern Sydney LHD)
  • Uniting (Western Sydney LHD)
  • Flourish (Hunter New England LHD)
  • The Buttery (Mid North Coast LHD)

Tenancy support

Everyone in the HASI Plus program signs a tenancy agreement and is responsible for their accommodation. You will be supported to understand your tenancy rights and responsibilities, build your skills in managing the tenancy and to resolve any problems that arise. These will be important skills to help you transition to more independent living after the program.

Flexible clinical and daily living skills

HASI Plus participants get a range of supports to build independence in daily life, designed around you, your goals and recovery. This could include daily living skills like shopping, looking after finances, cooking or catching public transport.

The program also includes intense clinical supports to help with your rehabilitation and recovery, and address any other health needs.

HASI Plus Evaluation 2022

The Ministry recently commissioned the Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) at UNSW to evaluate the HASI Plus program.  The 3-year longitudinal evaluation ran from August 2018 to August 2021.  The evaluation results show that HASI Plus is making a real difference to people's lives.  Consumers and their families liked HASI Plus.  They reported a wide range of positive experiences and overwhelming support for the safe and secure housing and intensive onsite supports.  There is evidence that the programs help people to reduce hospitalisations because of their mental health and that it supports people to transition to living in the community.  We are very proud of the achievements of HASI Plus.

Am I eligible for HASI Plus?

Anyone in NSW can apply for HASI Plus if they are:

  • age 18 years or older
  • want to access a program with intense supports where you receive help to recover and live in the community
  • have a diagnosis of a mental illness, which has caused you a lot of difficulties in managing your day-to-day life
  • have tried to live independently in the community with other supports but it has not worked well.

Is there a priority group for the program?

Yes. HASI Plus prioritises people who cannot be discharged from hospital or another institution without this sort of support.

Where can I get more information about the program?

Ask your support worker or clinician for more information about the program and, if suitable, how they might be able to refer you.

Translating and interpreting services

If English is not your first language, you can use the telephone Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National).

This service free and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call TIS on 131 450.

You can also prebook an interpreter online using the TIS National Pre booked phone interpreter form.

Current as at: Monday 1 May 2023
Contact page owner: Mental Health