Effective and integrated care

Identified physical health needs are addressed in partnership with the person with lived experience across population health, primary care, acute, non-acute and community services.

High-quality holistic care requires a coordinated team approach, often across discipline, specialty, service, organisation and sectoral boundaries.

An integrated physical and mental health care plan is essential to reinforcing the commitment to physical health care and supports the regular review and progression of goals and actions.

Evidence supports interventions that take a strengths-based approach and actively target modifiable risk factors. Goals should be planned collaboratively and shared with supporters (such as service providers, carers, families and friends).

Support to navigate care ensures that people are referred to, and are supported to access, necessary treatments.

Areas of action:

  • promote and deliver evidence-based physical health interventions
  • offer a therapeutic environment and culture
  • develop and support planned and proactive integrated care.


Coordinating Mental and Physical Health Care in Rural Australia (NSW)
An article examining the enablers of a successful integration of a rural service model between GP and community mental health services.
Publication type: Journal article
Published by: Fitzpatrick S.J et al.
Effectiveness of embedding a specialist preventative care clinician in community mental health service in increasing preventive care provision
An RCT delivered in regional NSW aimed to assess the effectiveness of an additional consultation with a specialist clinician embedded within a community mental health service, in increasing client-reported receipt of, and satisfaction with, preventive care.
Publication type: Journal article
Published by: Fehily CMC et al.
Integrated Mental Health Service Project
Co-design of a trial integrated model of care that delivers wrap around clinical care, care coordination and referrals for people living with severe mental illness.
Publication type: Final report / model of care
Published by: Sector Connect (in partnership with SWSPHN).
SLHD: Living Well, Living Longer
Living Well, Living Longer is a district wide strategy to improve physical health outcomes for people living with mental health issues. It includes targeted activities and initiatives that support integrated care practices.
Publication type: Website
Published by: Sydney Local Health District.
Translating evidence to practice: Improving oral health outcomes for rural mental health clients (VIC)
Development of an education package for rural health professionals aiming to improve the quality of life for rural mental health clients in the area of oral health.
Publication type: Conference paper
Published by: Kenny A et al.
UK integrated physical health pathways
A flowchart detailing an integrated care pathway between primary care and secondary mental health services.
Publication type: Flowchart of care
Published by: Rethink Mental Illness.

Current as at: Wednesday 10 August 2022
Contact page owner: Mental Health