Comprehensive assessment

Comprehensive assessment is a routine component of care, regardless of the service’s point of entry. Comprehensive assessment forms an essential part of an integrated physical and mental health plan and is to be completed and documented in a timely manner.

This section of the guideline outlines the role and components of a comprehensive physical health assessment.

Comprehensive assessment provides an opportunity for clinicians to build upon the initial physical health screen. It should include; a discussion of risks and/or conditions identified during screening, education or support for self-management and input from multidisciplinary teams. It might also require further investigation or assessment and referral to treatment or management services.

Comprehensive assessments require the provision of culturally responsive and trauma informed care. They should be tailored to the unique needs and risks of the individual.

Areas of action:

  • embed comprehensive assessment as part of routine care
  • deliver multidisciplinary and collaborative care
  • ensure medication assessment and optimisation.

This page provides resources to support physical health screening and assessment.


Collaborative Centre for Cardiometabolic Health in Psychosis
An integrated service for screening, detection, management and follow up of metabolic disorders for people living with severe mental illness. Provides a model for a replicable, scalable clinical service in comprehensive assessment.
Publication type: Website
Published by: ccCHIP
Consensus statement on the role of accredited exercise physiologists within the treatment of mental disorders: a guide for mental health professionals
A consensus statement on the role of accredited exercise physiologists within mental health; defining scope of practice, integration into multidisciplinary team, interventions and outcomes.
Publication type: Consensus statement
Published by: Exercise and Sport Science Australia.
Dietitians Australia Mental Health Role Statement
A statement on the role of accredited dietitians within mental health.
Publication type: Role statement
Published by: Dietitians Australia.
Position Statement: Addressing the physical health of people with mental illness
A joint position statement outlining the role of dietitians, exercise physiologists and psychologists in the management of physical health concerns.
Publication type: Position statement
Published by: Dietitians Association of Australia, Australian Psychological Society, Exercise and Sport Science Australia.

Current as at: Friday 25 November 2022
Contact page owner: Mental Health