Southern NSW

​​​​Southern NSW Local Health District (SNSWLHD) covers an area in south eastern NSW of 44,534 square kilometres. 

Gundungurra, Ngarigo, Ngunnawal and Yuin peoples are the traditional owners of the land.

In 2019 the estimated population was 211,122 residents, and over the decade to 2031, the overall population is projected to increase to 211,617. 

The District is passionate about pursuing the provision of the highest quality care and valuing innovation and are working to help their communities lead healthy lives by providing patients and clients with exceptional care and positive experiences.

Visit the Southern NSW LHD websitefor more information or join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.

View hospitals and facilities in Southern NSW

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Southern NSW Local Health District
This map shows the location of public hospitals only. Visit the Southern NSW LHD website for a comprehensive list of facilities.