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NSW Health
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Aboriginal workforce - Stepping Up
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Imagine Rural
Human resources - e-compendium
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Senior executives
Recruitment and employment policies
Medical career planning
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Emergency department waiting times
Childhood vaccinations
Aboriginal health
Urgent Care Services
Common childhood infections
Aged care
Going to hospital
Primary school dental
Transport for health
Pregnancy options
LGBTIQ+ health
Patient care
Assisted reproductive technology
Mental health
Palliative care
Violence, abuse and neglect
Public dental services
Healthy living
Healthy living
Healthy Eating Active Living
Emergency preparedness
Alcohol and other drugs - Your Room
Childhood vaccinations
Environmental health
Mental health
Public dental services
Beat the heat
Quitting vaping
Community sharps management
Bushfires and smoke
Stopping smoking
Ending HIV
Storms and floods
Sexual health
Hepatitis B and C
Mosquito borne diseases
Women's health
Infectious diseases
Alcohol and other drugs
Nursing and midwifery
Maternity, child and family health
Private health facilities
Disease notification
Mental health
Multicultural health
Control guidelines
Pharmaceutical services
Clinical ethics
Public health legislation
Tobacco and smoking cessation
Outpatient referral criteria
NSW Health and Medical Research
Healthcare innovation portal
New health technologies
Human tissue
Open data
HealthStats NSW
Population health research and evaluation
Epidemiology and evidence
NSW population health surveys
Latest publications
Fact sheets
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Policy directives, guidelines and information bulletins
Media releases
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NSW Health
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NSW Ministry of Health
Regional health
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Local health districts
Future Health
Working at the Ministry of Health
History of medical administration in NSW
Climate risk and net zero
Our people
Government Information Public Access Act (GIPA)
Diversity Inclusion Belonging
The Hon. Ryan Park MP
The Hon. Rose Jackson, MLC
The Hon. David Harris, MP
LGBTIQ+ health
LGBTIQ+ resources and supports
LGBTIQ+ health
LGBTIQ+ resources and supports
Currently selected
LGBTIQ+ mental health and suicide prevention support
LGBTIQ+ community organisations
Providing care to LGBTIQ+ communities
LGBTIQ+ language and terminology
LGBTIQ+ resources for health professionals
NSW LGBTIQ+ Health Strategy 2022-2027
NSW LGBTIQ+ Health Strategy 2022-2027: Implementation Plan – First phase
NSW LGBTIQ+ Health Strategy 2022-2027: Summary of Evidence
NSW LGBTIQ+ Health Funding Pool – summary of projects
Framework for the Specialist Trans and Gender Diverse Health Service for People Under 25 Years
NSW Specialist Trans and Gender Diverse Health Service
LGBTIQ+ resources and supports
Content 1
On this page
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Alcohol and other drugs
Asexual people
Bisexual people
Cancer prevention and support
Data and research
Domestic and family violence
End of life and palliative care
Intersex people/people with variations of sex characteristics
Language and terminology
Mental health and suicide prevention
Multicultural and refugee communities
Older people
Patient care, treatment and concerns
People with disability
Rainbow families
Sexual assault
Sexual health
Social media
Trans and gender diverse people
Young people
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- Free and confidential 24/7 crisis support.
BlaQ Aboriginal Corporation
- Committed to empowering the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual + Sistergirl and Brotherboy community through innovation, inclusion, understanding and advocacy.
Take Blaktion
- Promotes sexual health for young Aboriginal people across NSW.
Alcohol and other drugs
- Alcohol and other drug resources and services tailored for sexuality and gender diverse communities.
Your Room
- A place to get facts about alcohol and other drugs.
Stay OK
- Information on how to stay safe at music festivals.
NSW Users and AIDS Association
- A peer-based drug user organisation offering strategies for harm reduction and current issues.
Alcohol and Drug Information Service NSW
- Free 24/7 helpline for NSW residents.
NSW Health
- Alcohol and other drug information, support and treatment.
- LGBTQ+ Inclusive and Affirming Practice Guidelines
Asexual people
Australian Asexuals
- Bringing together the Australian asexual community.
Bisexual people
Bi+ Australia
- Provides
information, community, and resources for bi+ folks, allies, service providers, and anyone keen on understanding bisexuality better.
Cancer prevention and support
Can We
- Community platform on reducing cancer for LGBTQ communities.
St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney
- Information about anal cancer.
LGBTIQ cervical screening projects
Carers NSW
- Information and resources for LGBTIQ+ carers.
Carer Gateway
- Services and support.
[back to top]
Data and research
Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Standards for Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation Variables.
Private Lives 3
- National survey of the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ+ people.
Writing Themselves In 4
- A report on the health and wellbeing of LGBTQA+ young people in Australia.
Australian Human Rights Commission
- A report on ensuring health and bodily integrity for people with variations of sex characteristics.
Domestic and family violence
Say It Out Loud
- Encourages LGBTQ+ communities to have healthy relationships.
NSW Health - About domestic and family violence
NSW Domestic Violence Line (1800 65 64 63)
- Free 24/7 helpline providing counselling and referrals.
1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)
- Free 24/7 helpline providing counselling, information and support for those impacted by domestic, family or sexual violence.
Communities and Justice - Domestic, family and sexual violence
- Support services for people who have experienced domestic and family violence.
Rainbow Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Helpline (1800 497 212)
- National support services for LGBTIQA+ community who have experienced sexual domestic or family violence.
End of life and palliative care
ACON - LGBTQ+ Toolkit for Palliative Care and End of Life Decisions
[back to top]
Intersex people/people with variations of sex characteristics
Darlington Statement
- Sets out the priorities and calls by the intersex human rights movement in Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Intersex Human Rights Australia
- National body for people with intersex variations.
Intersex Peer Support Australia
- Peer support, information and advocacy group.
- Brings people together to talk about living with innate variations in sex characteristics with the support of trained counsellors and intersex peer workers.
Language and terminology
Language and terminology
are important to LGBTIQ+ people, as they support recognition, trust and safety.
Mental health and suicide prevention
Services and helplines for
Mental health and suicide prevention support
- Everything you need to know.
Mpox vaccination
- Who is eligible.
Mpox vaccination clinics
- Where to get vaccinated in NSW.
Fact sheets and translated information on mpox
[back to top]
Multicultural and refugee communities
Home is where our story begins
- Family, community and belonging for sexuality and gender diverse CALD people.
Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service (MHAHS)
Hosted by Sydney Local Health District and works with culturally diverse communities and with health services in NSW to reduce the impacts of HIV and viral hepatitis
Forcibly Displaced People Network (FDPN)
- FDPN is works to support LGBTIQ+ people seeking asylum, refugees and migrants to be safe in Australia.
Rainbow cultures
- A directory of LGBTIQA+ multicultural community groups and services in NSW.
NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors - LGBTQI+ Inclusive Practice Training
Transcultural Mental Health Centre
- LGBTIQ+ People from CALD Communities and Mental Health.
LGBTIQ+ Intersect
- Victorian Transcultural Mental Health.
One Foot In
videos for LGBTIQA+ people from diverse and their loved ones who want to support them.
Older people
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia
- Silver Rainbow: a project designed to improve the experiences of LGBTI people as they age and enter the Australian aged care system.
Patient care, treatment and concerns
NSW Health - Submit your feedback
People with disability
ACON - People with a disability
- A guide on accessing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
[back to top]
Rainbow families
Rainbow Families
- A voice for LGBTQ+ parents and their children.
Sexual assault
NSW Health Sexual Assault Services (SAS)
- For information and contact list of your local health district service which provide 24/7 free counselling, medical care and more for anyone who has been sexually assaulted.
1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)
- Free 24/7 helpline providing counselling, information and support for those impacted by domestic, family or sexual violence.
Full Stop Australia - NSW Sexual Violence Helpline
- Call 1800 424 017 for 24/7 telephone and online chat service.
Communities and Justice - Sexual violence support services
Sexual health
NSW Sexual Health Clinics
- Where to get sexual health care support and services.
NSW Sexual Health Infolink
- Information on sexual health for clients and health professionals, offers an anonymous call line.
Positive Life
- Empowers those living with HIV with information, referral, and advice on relevant issues.
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Social media
Safe and Strong
- LGBTQ+ Guide to Facebook and Instagram
Trans and gender diverse people
NSW Specialist Trans and Gender Diverse Health Service
The Gender Centre
- Provides services and supports for the trans and gender diverse community.
- A digital information and resource platform for trans and gender diverse people, their loved ones, allies and health providers.
Transcend Australia
- Provides programs and services to families and trans young people.
Trans Pride Australia
- Provides social support for trans and gender diverse people and their loved ones.
Transforming Families
- An academic and community collaboration supporting parents of gender diverse children.
Inner City Legal Centre
- For supports related to legal issues.
Young people
Ask for Health
- Health information for LGBTIQA+ young people by young people.
NSW Specialist Trans and Gender Diverse Health Service
- Specialised services and support for young people including housing, mental health, counselling and social support.
Play Safe
- A sexual health website for young people from NSW Health.
International Students Health Hub
- Co-designed with international students, the hub aims to improve access to sexual and reproductive health information and services for international students.
Kids Helpline
- Free, confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for 5 to 25 year olds.
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Content 2
Current as at: Monday 9 September 2024
Contact page owner:
Health and Social Policy