​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Recruitment Responsibilities

​It is the panel convenor's responsibility to ensure that all members of the recruitment panel are familiar with the following policies and procedures.

  • NSW Health Code of Conduct
  • Recruitment and Selection of Staff to the NSW Health Service

​Selection Process

  • ​Applicants must be assessed in a fair and consistent manner, with a common understanding among panel members of the standard required.
  • Face to face meetings with applicants prior to the interview where they are pre-judged on their suitability for a role are not acceptable, other means of introduction to hospitals and senior Doctors should be conducted through general information sessions.

Tips for effective interviews

​Acceptable interview protocols

  • Interview questions must be clear, unambiguous and directly related to the selection criteria and position description
  • Interview panels must be convened and interviews conducted in line with NSW Health Policy Directives
  • The panel must assess the candidates suitability for a role on their demonstrated ability to undertake the key accountabilities listed in the position description
  • Where possible additional methods of providing information about a role to applicants before interview should be used e.g. open information sessions
You may ask the applicant behavioural questions:
  • What is your understanding of teamwork in a patient care environment?
You may ask the applicant scenario based questions:
  • Tell the panel about a time you had to deal with a challenging patient. How did you manage the situation and what was the outcome?

​Unacceptable interview protocols

  • You may not ask an applicant if they are pregnant or plan on having children in the future
  • You may not ask an applicant about carer responsibilities or child care arrangements
  • You may not ask an applicant about their marital status
  • You may not ask an applicant how old they are
  • You may not ask an applicant about their cultural background or religious beliefs
  • You many not ask an applicant about their sexuality
  • You may not ask an applicant if they have a disability or impairment
  • Informal discussions used to pre-judge a candidate’s capability or suitability for a role prior to interview are not ​acceptable e.g. Pre-Interviews
Current as at: Friday 28 June 2024