Using the UROC application.
As a Junior Medical Officer there may be circumstances where you are required to work additional hours beyond your ordinary hours of work, you are recalled for duty, or you miss your meal break. When this occurs, you will need to submit a claim for these hours to be paid.
You can submit a claim for Unrostered Overtime (and meal allowances where eligible), Callbacks and Missed Meal Breaks via the StaffLink Unrostered Overtime and Callbacks (UROC) application.
You can access UROC via:
Look for the NSWH UROC Creator menu option
Search for NSWH UROC in the Apple Store or on Google Play
Submitting a claim is an intuitive and easy process and does not require you to be on the NSW Health network. For some claims, there are certain criteria that must be met for claims to be eligible for payment. You should check the Public Hospital Medical Officers (State) Award and Employment Arrangements for Medical Officers in the NSW Public Health Service policy directive to confirm your claim complies with these requirements before you submit.
Further information and guidance on submitting claims is available on the NSW Health Junior Medical Officer Portal.
Once you have submitted a claim, it will be reviewed by your local JMO Unit to ensure all required information has been provided. You may be asked for additional information or to amend details if they have been entered incorrectly. You will be notified of the outcome of your claim via your UROC dashboard.
If you require any assistance please: