Capability development

The Integrated Care Implementation (ICI) team are working in partnership with Primary Health Networks (PHNs), Local Health Districts (LHDs), Speciality Health Networks (SHNs), Pillar agencies, and the NSW Ministry of Health (MOH) to develop capability for the delivery of Integrated Care programs throughout NSW.

What is capability development?

Capability development is the process through which individuals, organisations and societies obtain, strengthen, and maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their own development objectives over time. Capability is about growth of the individual in knowledge, skills, and experience.

Capability development is a critical part of developing performance process and includes:

  • skills-based training,
  • knowledge-based education and experience,
  • relationship building and management tools
  • a focus on workplace environment, time, and motivation.

To ensure the process is meaningful and worthwhile, capabilities requiring development within current roles must be identified, career aspirations must be progressed, and effective ways to develop these capabilities must be negotiated.

Capability development relating to NSW Integrated Care will be available to NSW Health staff on the Collaboration Portal or via the internal SharePoint site. Capability development for Primary Care is available to all practices through their PHNs and the Health Education and Training (HETI) Platform.

Useful links and resources

Current as at: Monday 21 September 2020
Contact page owner: Health and Social Policy