Secretary's Award - Integrated Value Based Care Award


Aged Care Rapid Assessment and Investigation Unit (South Western Sydney Local Health District)

Pathways to Community Living Initiative (Western Sydney Local Health District)

About the Secretary's - Integrated Based Care Award​

The Secretary’s Award includes last year’s Delivering Integrated Care Award and recognises initiatives that support NSW Health’s vision for a sustainable health system that delivers outcomes that matter to patients, is personalised, invests in wellness and is digitally enabled.

The move to value is being accelerated through local initiatives and statewide programs including Leading Better Value Care (LBVC), Integrated Care and Commissioning for Better Value.

The nominations for this category will need to demonstrate that they are improving the different aspects of value:

  • health outcomes that matter to patients
  • the experience of receiving care
  • the experience of providing care
  • the effectiveness and efficiency of care.

The award acknowledges innovative projects and programs which promote:

  • building new and innovative partnerships between the public, private and/or non-government sectors to ensure access to the best possible healthcare for all residents of NSW
  • partnering with community-based organisations to provide services for patients in the community
  • defining business models for purchasing services and creating sustainable incentives for both purchaser and provider leading to improved patient outcomes, productivity and efficiencies
  • creating formal links between primary, community and hospital services to deliver healthcare that meets the needs of patients over time and delivers the best possible health outcomes
  • care provided in appropriate, cost effective settings that are close to home, keeping people well and out of hospital wherever possible
  • seamless transitions between hospital, primary, community, residential and aged care settings
  • innovative funding models, governance arrangements, and information technology solutions that support a sustainable, integrated system of care
  • engaging consumers and clinicians to develop person-centred models of care that are efficient, effective and sustainable, and promote individual responsibility for health
  • partnerships which demonstrate and promote CORE values through the provision of integrated care across organisations in partnership with clinicians, patients and their families and carers.
Current as at: Friday 10 July 2020
Contact page owner: NSW Health