Health Research and Innovation Award


A Childhood Cancer National Precision Medicine Program (The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network)

Faster Cheaper Safer: Use of ECG for Central Line Placement (South Western Sydney Local Health District)

Unlocking the Puzzle of COVID-19 Transmission (NSW Health Pathology)

About the Health Research and Innovation Award​

Collaboration between researchers, policy makers, service users, health managers and clinicians in research is critical and can lead to findings that are more likely to be innovative and positively inform health decisions. This includes innovative future focused infrastructure and digital health initiatives.

Awardees may have demonstrated outstanding and innovative achievements by establishing:

  • ways of assisting clinicians and health decision makers to find or use research effectively
  • research partnerships or collaborations involving clinicians, health service providers, decision makers and/or consumers that have led to outstanding examples of research that changed policy or practice
  • acknowledgement by decision makers of the impact of research on their policy or practice
  • eHealth, health information and data analytics to support and harness health and medical research and innovation
  • clinical practices and processes delivered through innovative built spaces including new approaches to effective and efficient building outcomes to deliver clinical outcomes.
Current as at: Wednesday 22 July 2020
Contact page owner: NSW Health