Keeping Staff Safe - Reducing Needlestick Injuries

Hunter New England Local Health District

Hunter New England Local Health District  

Healthcare workers are at increased risk of being exposed to blood borne viruses through needlestick injuries.

This was a recognised risk for Hunter New England LHD, with no significant reduction in exposures, despite a range of safety awareness initiatives being implemented.

The project aimed to reduce needlestick injuries through mandated use of standardised Safety Engineered Sharps Devices for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections across the District.

Since the completion of the project, there was an overall reduction in needlestick injuries from hollow-bore needles of 31% in 2019 compared to 2018 and this continued with a 60% reduction (average) in 2020. Implementation of this strategy has the potential cost savings to Hunter New England LHD of $328,000 for implementation year and more than $500,000 ongoing.

Current as at: Wednesday 14 October 2020
Contact page owner: NSW Ministry of Health