Formerly known as monkeypox.
Find a vaccination clinicWhat to do if you have mpoxInformation for contacts
Since May 2022, there has been a global increase in mpox cases, including in NSW. Although anyone can get mpox, in NSW, men who have sex with men are currently at the highest risk.
Since January 2023, there has been an outbreak of a more severe strain of mpox in some countries in central and eastern Africa. Travelling overseas? Refer to Mpox: Information for overseas travellers.
Anyone can get mpox, however people currently at most risk of mpox in NSW are men who have sex with men. The usual symptoms of mpox include rashes, pimple-like lesions or sores.
The mpox vaccination (called JYNNEOS) is safe, effective and free in NSW for people who are eligible. Two doses are required, and a Medicare card is not needed.
If you have tested positive for mpox, your doctor, a local public health unit or sexual health clinic will contact you to provide advice on managing your symptoms and stopping the spread of mpox.
If you have been in contact with someone with mpox, monitor for symptoms for at least 21 days. If you get symptoms call your GP or local sexual health clinic to get tested.
Call your doctor or sexual health clinic if you have symptoms of mpox. The doctor can test for mpox by taking a swab of the affected area. Most people with mpox can manage symptoms at home, but some people may need to go to hospital.
View the latest mpox surveillance report to see NSW mpox case numbers.
Call the Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624 for support.
Find an mpox vaccination clinic near you.
Find your nearest NSW Sexual Health Clinic.
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Call healthdirect on 1800 022 222 anytime, day or night for free health advice from a registered nurse.
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