The selection process

The role of the selection panel

The selection process will be undertaken by a panel of at least two people, one of whom is the designated convenor, and one the ‘independent’ panel member. As a general rule, the panel will have at least one male and one female member. Otherwise the composition of the panel may vary depending on the scope and nature of the position to be filled.

The role of the selection panel is to:

  • assess each applicants’ suitability for the position through one or more assessment methods, usually including a face-to-face interview
  • conduct referee checks
  • make a recommendation to the approving officer on any preferred applicant and any eligibility list.

Assessment methods

In the first instance, your written application and resume/CV will be assessed against the selection criteria. If you are short-listed for further assessment, you will be advised of the details, including time and place, online at least 3 days in advance.

Methods for further assessing the remaining applicants will vary depending on the nature and level of the position, and may include:

  • formal interviews with direct contact with the applicant
  • pre-screening interviews
  • work samples or tests
  • applicant presentations
  • group exercises or role plays
  • online interviews/assessments
  • third party assessments including cognitive or personality assessments.

The interview

The assessment process usually includes an interview involving direct contact with short-listed applicants. The purpose of the interview is to provide applicants an opportunity to expand on the information they provided in their application, and to enable the selection panel to gather further information for the assessment process.

All interviewees will be asked a common set of initial questions, which directly relate to the selection criteria. You may also be asked follow-up questions exploring specific issues about your claim for the position. At the conclusion of the interview, you may ask questions of the selection panel or provide further information in support of your application.

If you are offered an interview and you have special needs, please contact the convenor to discuss any appropriate arrangements.

What do I bring to the interview

If you are invited to an interview, you may be asked to upload a number of documents to your application online. You will also be requested to bring the originals with you to the interview for verification. The required documents may include:

  • original qualifications (as relevant to the selection criteria)
  • original proof of identification documents, as required by the current NSW Health employment checks policy and listed in the 100 Point Identification Checklist​ attached to this policy
  • evidence of work entitlements in Australia (eg passport, birth certificate, citizenship, current working visa)
  • documents stating name change (such a marriage certificate, change of name certificate)
  • original registration and licence documents (as appropriate)
  • a completed NSW Health National Criminal Record Check consent Form attached to the NSW Health employment checks policy
  • a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC) clearance number if not already provided (see the current NSW Health employment checks policy)
  • statement/s of service from another public sector employer (if appropriate)
  • vidence of immunisation status (see the current NSW Health policy on vidence of immunisation status (see the current NSW Health policy on Occupational assessment, screening and vaccination against specified infectious diseases​).

It is expected that all the requested original documentation will be provided at the time of interview. If you are not able to provide original documentation at the interview (eg interstate or overseas candidate not attending in person), any offer of employment will be conditional on production of the original documents.

All documents, if not in English, must be officially translated to English.

Referee information

If you are called for an interview, you will be asked to provide the names and contact numbers of at least two referees. One of your referees must be a current supervisor/manager. (Where this is not possible, please contact the convenor of the selection panel to discuss any possible alternatives.) It is important that you nominate referees who are able to discuss your suitability in relation to the selection criteria, and provide information in relation to your past performance and professional conduct.

The selection panel may contact your referees shortly after the interview by phone. You should make your referees aware that you have nominated them, and also consider providing them with a copy of the position description. Written referee reports are not required.​​

Current as at: Wednesday 15 December 2021