Offer of employment
If you are the successful applicant, you will be made a written offer of employment online. Information about the terms and conditions of your proposed employment will be included. You will be asked to accept the offer online. Please refer to
Recruitment and Onboarding - Accepting and printing your Letter of Offer for more information.
Eligibility lists and recruitment pools
If deemed suitable but not ranked first, you may
be placed on an eligibility list, which is ranked by merit. Should the position or a
similar one become available within 18 months, it may be offered to the next
ranked candidate. Those on the eligibility list can also opt into a NSW Health
recruitment pool for consideration for similar vacancies at the same level and
occupational stream across NSW Health.
Unsuccessful applicants
If your application is unsuccessful, you are encouraged to seek feedback from the selection panel/convenor as soon as you receive formal advice of this. Such feedback can help you to understand the selection panel’s decision and to discuss ways in which you may improve future applications or interview performance.
More information
For information about specific NSW Health agencies, refer to: