Clinical Guidelines for Nursing and Midwifery Practice

The Clinical Guidelines for Nursing and Midwifery Practice: Identifying and Responding to Drug and Alcohol Issues CD-ROM is a training kit aimed at drug and alcohol nurses in NSW. The kit was developed to support the rollout of the implementation of the clinical guidelines across NSW in 2009. The kit contains presentations, training activities, tools and evaluations.

  • Training package - Pre and post evaluation form, presentations, training activities, case studies.
  • Handouts/resources - Clinical guidelines, example of a drug and alcohol assessment form, CIWA-Ar.


When using this information kit please note the following:


No information or content can be changed on these documents as they are copyright NSW Department of Health. You may download, display, print and produce this material in unaltered form.

Training activities

Users may make changes to these activities, providing they acknowledge who provided the original information (either the training package or individual as appropriate)

Case studies

Users may make changes to the case studies, providing they acknowledge that the information was obtained from the training package.

Clinical guidelines

No information or content can be changed on these documents as they are copyright NSW Department of Health. You may download, display, print and produce this material in unaltered form.

Policy directives and guidelines

The Nursing & Midwifery Clinical Guidelines - Identifying & Responding to Drug & Alcohol Issues provide nurses and midwives with support and a benchmark for quality drug and alcohol.

Current as at: Wednesday 29 March 2017