Clinical guidance for withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs

Management of Withdrawal from Alcohol and Other Drugs Clinical Guidance and Handbook


The importance of effective management of patients who are experiencing, or who are at risk of withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs is well known. The Centre for Alcohol and Other Drugs recognises the value of continuity of care, in which withdrawal is seen not as an endpoint in treatment, but rather one stage of ongoing patient management.  

These documents provide  updated information  for the clinical management of  withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs. They apply to NSW Health staff in specialist withdrawal units of hospitals, general inpatient units, emergency departments and community health settings. Clinicians in other settings such as non-government facilities and primary care settings such as general practice, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations and community and welfare services are also encouraged to use this advice.

 Clinical Guidance Withdrawal Alcohol and Other Drugs

 Handbook Management of Withdrawal from Alcohol and Other Drugs

Current as at: Thursday 14 September 2023