Falls in hospital

The number of falls-related incidents in NSW public hospitals is high compared to other states. Most patients who are reported to have fallen in hospital are aged 65 and over.

The falls in hospital initiative aims to reduce the frequency and severity of falls during hospital admission. It focuses on:

  • early identification of patients at risk of a fall in hospital
  • building capacity of medical and nursing staff to support the implementation of evidence-based interventions to prevent falls in hospital
  • identifying key aspects of care that contribute to improved patient outcomes.

Lessons learned from the Falls in Hospital initiative have led to the development of the model for Comprehensive Care.

The Comprehensive Care Model – Minimising harm

The Clinical Excellence Commission’s safety model for Comprehensive Care aims to minimise harm to ensure safe, reliable and high value care for older people. This model builds on the Falls in hospital initiative, with a broader focus on the person and the safety system required to help drive sustained improvement. It aligns with the Australian Commission on Safety Quality Health Care National Standard 5: Comprehensive Care – minimising harm.

The Comprehensive Care model ensures patient, family and carer experiences and outcomes are at the centre of our clinical care. There is a focus on quality improvement involving health staff, patients, their families and carers in improvement for older persons’ safety. It incorporates team safety fundamentals including safety huddles and clinical handover, and clinical care actions that address patient fundamental care needs. It is anticipated that through improved focus on minimising harm there will be a reduction in hospital acquired complications such as falls, pressure injury, delirium, malnutrition and infection.

The CEC are supporting local health districts and Speciality Health Networks to implement the model for Comprehensive Care by:

  • a web-based toolkit to guide commencing a Quality Improvement (QI) initiative as well as resources that support the components of the model.
  • liaising with districts to discuss their local needs and providing local QI training, coaching, site visits, and workshops (virtually). Site visits and workshops can be arranged as soon as safe and practical.
  • supporting local implementation of safety and quality improvement to ensure safe, reliable and high value care for our patients. The CEC will continue to liaise with district executives and clinical leaders to support local clinician teams to identify Hospital Acquired Complications and trends using the Quality Improvement Data System (QIDS)

Visit the Clinical Excellence Commission for more information.​​​

Hear from patients and clinicians

Transcript: Falls in hospital

Current as at: Thursday 9 June 2022
Contact page owner: System Performance Support