Treatment and prevention of diabetes-related foot disease for Aboriginal people in NSW
Diabetes is a chronic condition characterised by high blood glucose levels. It is associated with a range of complications including Diabetes-related foot disease. Diabetes and diabetes-related foot disease are disproportionately prevalent in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population.
NSW Ministry of Health, along with several partners, codesigned the Healthy Deadly Feet (HDF) Project which aims to increase the Aboriginal workforce in foot care and podiatry in NSW Health and improve diabetes-related foot disease outcomes for Aboriginal people in NSW.
Healthy Deadly Feet works with Aboriginal Health Workers (AHWs), Aboriginal Health Practitioners (AHPs) and Allied Health Assistants (AHAs) in participating LHDs and SHNs in NSW. These healthcare workers will receive education and training through HETI and TAFE NSW to become a HDF workforce. This workforce will be qualified and able to provide care for diabetes-related foot disease across three domains:
- culturally safe care
- health promotion and education
- screening and early intervention.
Access to care for Aboriginal people
Healthy Deadly Feet combines workforce, education, and clinical service strategies through partnerships to:
- improve access, care and outcomes for Aboriginal people with diabetes and diabetes-related foot disease;
- increase the Aboriginal workforce in foot care and podiatry in NSW Health;
- improve diabetes-related foot disease outcomes for Aboriginal people in NSW;
- raise awareness in the Aboriginal community of the risk factors for diabetes and diabetes-related foot disease, strategies for prevention, and the treatment options and care facilities available
Aboriginal people living with or at risk of diabetes-related foot disease are encouraged to connect with local Healthy Deadly Feet services where they are available.
directory of available services and further
information on diabetes high risk foot disease is available on the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation website.
Career pathways
There are a range of career opportunities for Aboriginal people to work as part of the Healthy Deadly Feet team including as podiatrists, allied health assistants, Aboriginal Health Workers and Aboriginal Health Practitioners.
Follow the links below to get involved:
New programs
Support is available to organisations within NSW Health to implement the program including as part of the
Leading Better Value Care initiative.
For more information please refer to: