Strengthening delivery of mental health education

The NSW Government is modernising and strengthening delivery of mental health education and training in NSW.

Last updated: 29 September 2017

From 2014, the NSW Institute of Psychiatry will be integrated into the structure of the NSW Health and Education Training Institute (HETI), further supporting the Government’s commitment to improving the physical health of people with mental illness. Integration will allow mental health to be a full partner in education and training developments across the health sector and deliver high quality training and professional development for the mental health workforce.​

The NSW Institute of Psychiatry has a proud history of providing mental health education. Over the next three years the NSW Institute of Psychiatry will become a key mental health education portfolio area within HETI, enhancing the influence of mental health training and promoting a more holistic approach to health education.​

HETI was established in 2012 to take the lead role in education and training for NSW Health. Integration with HETI will add the Institute of Psychiatry's powerful knowledge base to HETI’s own broad base of strong learning and teaching.​

The transition to the new HETI structure will be carefully staged over the next three years. It will be overseen by a committee chaired by NSW Mental Health Commissioner John Feneley and include Prof Anthony Baker, Chair Institute of Psychiatry Academic Board, HETI Chief Executive Heather Gray, Institute of Psychiatry Board Member Dr Nick O’Connor, Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Director Peter Carter and Chief Counsel Leanne O’Shannessy. The oversight committee will ensure that transition is transparent and in the best interests of extending the reach and impact of mental health education.​

Supporting the mission of the Institute of Psychiatry

There will be no disruption for current students, Fellows or Institute contractors and the Institute will continue to enrol students, award Fellowships and tender for relevant contracts during the transition period. From 2014, corporate and administrative staff will be managed under local contract by HETI. Initially HETI will provide administrative and corporate functions under a service agreement with the Institute that will allow improved quality and better value for money.​

HETI’s existing strong education relationships and partnerships will support and extend the Institute of Psychiatry’s mission. The new Institute Executive Director will be recruited in early 2014 to work with education staff and partners and lead the Institute through the implementation of the new structure and the transition to HETI.​​​​

The integration of the Institute of Psychiatry with HETI will deliver:

  • greater flexibility to respond to changing workforce needs
  • opportunities for expansion into other areas (eg general practice) a holistic approach to mental health education and training for the health workforce
  • savings on administrative and infrastructure costs which can be used to support better mental health education.​
Current as at: Friday 29 September 2017