Health technology and assessment

NSW Health is committed to exploring opportunities to support new and emerging health technologies that improve provision of healthcare for patients and clinicians. This links with NSW Health’s vision for a sustainable health system that delivers outcomes that matter to patients and the community, is personalised, invests in wellness and is digitally enabled.

NSW Health has undertaken multiple health technology assessments and evidence reviews to achieve this vision.

What is health technology?

NSW has adopted a very broad definition of health technologies. Health technologies are interventions that substantially change the way care is delivered. This could be a new test, device, procedure, therapy or program.

New health technologies have the potential to significantly impact the experience of giving and receiving care, improve outcomes and enhance efficiency and effectiveness. NSW Health is responsible for oversight and assessment of the following health technologies:

  • implantable device
  • procedures
  • treatment and diagnostic technologies
  • gene and cell therapies or
  • existing technologies for new/emerging indications.

How are new health technologies assessed?

While new technologies have the potential to offer significant benefits to patients, clinicians and the health system they need to be carefully evaluated before being implemented. This process is known as health technology assessment and ensures that patient safety is maximised when we implement new innovations in healthcare.

In accordance with INAHTA definitions, a Health Technology Assessment (HTA) is defined as:


“a multidisciplinary process that uses explicit and scientifically robust methods to assess the value of using a health technology at different points in its lifecycle. The HTA process is comparative, systematic, transparent and involves multiple stakeholders. The purpose of HTA is to inform health policy and decision-making to promote an efficient, sustainable, equitable and high-quality health system.”



New health technology enquiries can be emailed to:

Current as at: Tuesday 25 June 2024
Contact page owner: Strategic Reform and Planning