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The navigation tool includes a comprehensive list of resources and assets that researchers can access to progress their genomics-based therapy, diagnostic, or device through the translational pipeline.

Filter these resources by the type of genomic technology you are working on and the different stages of the Technology readiness level (TRL) development pathway to find the most useful resources.

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(see definitions)
ResourceDescriptionTechnology typeTechnology readiness levelsResearch stageResource typeCapabilities
ACMG Standards and guidelines Standards and guidelines for the interpretation of sequence variants. These guidelines are refined and quantitative approaches to variant interpretation is being undertaken by the Sequence Variant Interpretation Working Group.
DiagnosticsTRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Product developmentGuidelinesLaboratory guidelines
Genetic testing
Classification of sequence variants
In silico predictive algorithms
Angel Investors (Multiple)Angel Investors provide private capital for early stage companies. As well as individual angel investors, across Australia there are a number of Angel Investor groups. Some of these groups that will fund companies ba​​​sed in NSW include: Sydney Angels Melbourne Angels (prefer Victorian based companies, but will invest across Australia) Southern Angels (based in South Australia, but will invest across Australia) Scale Investors (invest in female founded businesses across Australia)
Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 5, TRL 6Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesFundingFunding
Private capital
ARCS AustraliaARCS is a professional organisation that offers career long professional development services for its members in the therapeutic goods sector. Education and training programs, competency building, and information sharing can be accessed through ARCS. TherapeuticsTRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementationNetwork, Education and trainingProfessional organisation and industry network
Education and professional development
Industry news and events
Association of Clinical Genomic Science (ACGS) Best Practice Guidelines for Variant Classification in Rare Disease 2020Guidelines developed by the UK ACGS intended for general use in classifying highly-penetrant variants in patients with rare, monogenic diseases.DiagnosticsTRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesGuidelinesBest practice guidelines
Variant classification
Rare, monogenic diseases
Australian BioCommonsProvides a range of services, including access to various community-scaled bioinformatics services, including computational and analytical tools.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibilityEducation and training, Infrastructure Community-scale bioinformatics services
Bioinformatics training
‘Omic focussed communities
Australian Cardiovascular disease Data CommonsProvides harmonised multi-omic data relating to cardiovascular disease in one platform that may be accessed to explore studies, data, and variables. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2Early stage research InfrastructureData sharing platform
Cardiovascular disease data
Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA)The ACTA is the national peak body representing and supporting networks of clinician-researchers conducting investigator-initiated clinical trials, maintaining clinical quality registries, and operating clinical trial coordinating centres within the Australian healthcare system.TherapeuticsTRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesEducation and training, Forms and templates, GuidelinesNetwork
Clinical trial education and training
Clinical trial guides, tools, and templates
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care National Clinical Trials Governance Framework and User GuideThe National Clinical Trials Governance Framework provides information about each component and action within the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards. It aims to ensure clinical trials are conducted in a safe, and high-quality manner. It provides suggested strategies to support health service organisations meet the actions within the Standards. This framework can support researchers to understand responsible conduct. It includes the key components of clinical trials governance, and the roles and functions of various stakeholders involved in clinical trials.TherapeuticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesGovernance, GuidelinesClinical trial governance
User guide for clinical trial governance
Australian Functional Genomics Network (AFGN)The AFGN is a collaboration between clinical geneticists and research scientists. Their aim is to enhance understanding of the genetic basis of rare diseases and to improve the quality of life of patients and their families through the coordination of functional genomics and clinical management in Australia. The AFGN was funded through the MRFF, and will distribute $5mllion in funding to functional genomic studies from 2021 to 2026. The Network is a part of an international network if initiative across Canada, Europe, and Japan.DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementationNetwork, FundingInvestigation of variants of uncertain significance
Clinician – researcher partnerships
Functional genomics funding
Australian Genome Research Facility (AGRF)A not-for-profit that provides access to leading technology, enabling genomics, including single gene analysis, whole genome sequencing, microbiome profiling, and whole genome methylation sequencing along with bioinformatic services.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5 Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility Infrastructure Sequencing
Bioinformatic services
Australian GenomicsAustralian Genomics is a national collaboration that supports the translation of genomic research into clinical practice. They undertake a number of initiatives relating to this area, and share research tools and expertise to support genomic research.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical StudiesNetwork, Education and training, Governance, Forms and templatesGuidance and support on:
Research ethics and governance
Consent and patient support materials
Genomic data capture and management
Evaluation, policy, translation into practice
Australian National University (ANU) Centre for Indigenous GenomicsProvides a mechanism to ensure that Indigenous decision-making is incorporated into biomedical research, and that the benefits of genomic medicine will be brought to Indigenous Australians. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility Network, InfrastructureIndigenous genomic data resources
Indigenous Australian reference genome
Australian National University (ANU) Centre for Therapeutic DiscoveryAids in high-throughput screening for biomarker and therapeutic discovery, to develop potential product hypotheses. The facility can be accessed by researchers to utilise two main workstations; a high throughput screening workstation and high content/imaging workstation, equipped with various screening equipment. Therapeutics TRL 1, TRL 2Early stage researchInfrastructureHigh-throughput screening
Compound libraries for screening
RNAi/CRISPR/drug libraries
Consultation services for screening
Australian Pathogen Genomics ProgramA program funded through MRFF, which aims to implement large-scale integration of pathogen genomics, using a nationally integrated genomics platform, which has a central, secure, and private online locations to store, store, analyse and view national genomics data. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies Education and training, Infrastructure Pathogen genomics education and training
Training events
Pathogen whole genome sequencing
Bioinformatic analysis of pathogens
Australian Proteome Analysis Facility (APAF)Aims to assist the scientific community with protein analysis. APAF provides service work and research support, providing access to equipment and laboratories. A variety of services are available and service requests can be made via the website. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5 Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibilityInfrastructureMass spectrometry
Protein analysis
Protein interaction analysis
NATA accredited services
Australian Research Data CommonsProvides various resources associated with data management, including best-practice guides and skill building materials for digital research. Utilise this resource to find and access datasets and collections, digital research tools, software, platforms and skill-building materials. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementationInfrastructure Accessible data
Advisory services
Data guidelines
Data education and training
Data tools
Data research platforms
Biobanks (various)Biobanks are physical repositories providing access to various clinical samples relating to particular cohorts or disease areas which may assist in investigating -omic related biomarkers. Researchers can utilise biobanks to access biospecimens and clinical data collected from patients, for research projects. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibilityInfrastructure Biobanks
Biospecimens and clinical samples
State registries
National/ANZ registries
Biologics Innovation Facility (BIF)The University of Technology (UTS) Sydney BIF is a GMP bioprocessing teaching and training facility, designed to drive opportunities to up-skill and scale up biopharmaceutical projects using state of the art single-use equipment and industry's best practice processing techniques. BIF provides training in upstream, downstream, and clean room operations as well as contract services including process development, manufacturing, and analytics services for biologics productions. BIF is a global teaching partner with National Institute for Bioprocessing Research (NIBRT) and is supported by NSW and National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studies, Product developmentEducation and training, InfrastructureEducation and training
GMP bioprocessing training
Biologics process development
Biologics manufacturing
Biologics analytics services
Upstream, downstream and clean room operations
Cancer Australia Cancer Cooperative Trials Groups (CTGs)Cancer Australia supports Australia’s capacity to develop industry-independent cancer clinical trials, which includes 14 Cancer CTGs. These CTGs conduct world-class multi-disciplinary research for cancer control, to help inform clinical practice and improve outcomes for cancer patients. Consumer representatives may also be involved in contributing to CTGs through concept development of clinical trials, providing input into research protocols, lay summaries, and reviewing patient information sheets and consent forms. The specific aims and objectives of each CTG differs slightly. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studies, Product DevelopmentNetworkIndustry independent cancer clinical trials
Multidisciplinary research for cancer
Consumer representative contribution
Cancer Institute NSW Clinical trials programResources to build the capability of the cancer control workforce and improve the cancer clinical trial landscape for patients and the clinical trial workforce.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesEducation and trainingEducation and training
Cancer Institute NSW Enduring Cancer Data Linkage (CanDLe)CanDLe is a model of collaboration aimed to improve the quality and speed of cancer research through the sharing of knowledge, experience, and peer review by a Community of PracticeTherapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesInfrastructureAccessible data
Record linkage service
Cancer Institute NSW Patient recruitment serviceThe patient recruitment service offers researchers across Australia access to Cancer Institute NSW’s rich data holdings to support patient recruitment to projects aimed at better patient care and improving outcomes for people diagnosed with cancer.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesNetworkParticipant recruitment and accessing samples
Centre for Health Record Linkage (CHeReL)CHeReL contains linked health data across NSW and ACT. The CHeReL provides advice on the design, cost, feasibility and process of linkage studies. Data/information from different sources that relates to the same individual, family, place or event can be securely linked by the CHeReL and made available to researchers. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesInfrastructure Accessible linked health data
Record linkage service
Biolink for clients of the NSW Health Statewide Biobank
Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI) Biomedical ProteomicsThe Biomedical Proteomics Facility offers access to equipment and advice on feasibility, methodology and data analysis for proteomic analyses using Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry.Therapeutics, Diagnostics TRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibilityInfrastructureUntargeted proteomics and phosphoproteomics
Protein analyses
Custom metabolite analyses
Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI) Peptide Synthesis FacilityThe Peptide Synthesis Facility provides high-quality peptide-based materials for researchers, partner facilities, and commercial partners with a primary goal to support cancer research projects across NSW. It provides a complete workflow for the synthesis of peptides, modification of peptides, and purification of peptides to give researchers the best possible material for their investigations.TherapeuticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibilityInfrastructure Small scale peptide synthesis
Peptide purification
Peptide product design
Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI) Single Cell AnalyticsThe Single Cell Analytics Facility at CMRI offers a variety of molecular analysis services at the single cell level across a range of cell types and preparations.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5 Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibilityInfrastructureGene expression
Immune profiling
Multiome analysis of transposase accessible chromatin (ATAC)
Spatial transcriptomics
Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI) Stem Cell & Organoid Facility The Stem Cell & Organoid Facility at CMRI offers custom iPSC services, including various cell lines and tissues, 3D organoid models, and functional analysis.TherapeuticsTRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibilityInfrastructureiPSCs
Differentiated cells
3D organoids
Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI) Vector and Genome Engineering FacilityThe Vector and Genome Engineering Facility is a scientific core facility at CMRI which supports basic and translational research in vector-based and gene editing therapies for genetic diseases. The facility offers a range of services relating to vectors and genome engineering to support fundamental and preclinical research. TherapeuticsTRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibilityInfrastructureRecombinant viral vectors
Genome, RNA, and epigenome editing services
Cicada InnovationsCicada Innovations is a deep tech incubator, that offers low-cost, flexible workspace, facilities, and support for deep tech businesses, including for those in the health industry. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Product development, Clinical implementationInfrastructureIncubator
Co-working space
Laboratories, clean rooms, facilities
Start-up ecosystem and support
clinicaltrialsNSWContains a number of resources which support the translation of technologies through clinical trials, including to help in understanding the regulatory and ethics process involved, to connect to sponsors, service providers, investigators, and sites, and other resources. It provides a toolkit containing many resources, including standard operating procedure templates, protocol templates and writing guidelines, investigator brochure information, and financial, and contractual tools.TherapeuticsTRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesNetwork, Education and training, Forms and template, Guidelines Clinical Trial Connection service
Clinical Trial Toolkit
Clinical trial budget costing tool
Clinical trial SOP templates
GCP, safety and compliance guidance
Clinical trial protocol tools
Clinical trial insurance and indemnity information
Investigators brochure
Early-stage clinical trial ethics and governance support
Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Biologics FacilityThe CSIRO Biologics Facility is a cGMP facility that can produce a variety of biologics, including recombinant proteins, peptides, and viral products for therapeutic applications. The facility can enable biologics for phase I and phase II clinical trials.Therapeutics TRL 6, TRL 7Preclinical studies, Clinical studiesInfrastructure Biologics manufacturing
GMP grade
Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Protein Production Facility The CSIRO Protein Production Facility provides the infrastructure to support therapeutic discovery, screening of antibody libraries, production of recombinant proteins, engineered biologics in quantities large enough to support animal studies, Pre-clinical studies, and phase I clinical trials. TherapeuticsTRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6Preclinical studies, Clinical studiesInfrastructure Recombinant protein manufacturing
CT:IQCT:IQ is a collaborative of stakeholders involved in clinical trials. They form project teams to develop or adapt consensus recommendations and partner with other Australian organisations. TherapeuticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesGuidelines, Forms and templatesClinical trials
Consumer involvement
Checklists, toolkits, recruitment guides
Department of Cell and Molecular TherapiesThe Department of Cell and Molecular Therapies located at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and provides services to academic an industry partners for development, manufacture, clinical evaluation, and implementation of cell and gene therapies. They work to take discovery research into clinical practice with robust cell manufacturing protocols to meet TGA requirements for biologicals. The facility provides compliant manufacturing services to academic and industry partners, as well as providing support for development, manufacture, clinical evaluation, and implementation of novel cell and gene therapies.TherapeuticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Clinical studies, Clinical implementationInfrastructure Conduct of clinical trials
GMP compliant
OGTR compliant
Clinical manufacturing of genetically modified cells
FDA Guidance Document on Use of Public Human Genetic Variant Databases to Support Clinical Validity for Genetic and Genomic-Based In Vitro DiagnosticsThe FDA has published a guidance document on the Use of Public Human Genetic Variant Databases to Support Clinical Validity for Genetic and Genomic-Based In Vitro Diagnostics. The guidance aims to support a flexible approach to the regulatory oversight of next-generation sequencing (NGS)- based tests, for which publicly accessible genetic databases may be useful to support the clinical validity of NGS tests as well as single gene or panel tests that use the technology.DiagnosticsTRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7Clinical studiesGuidelinesVariant databases
Clinical validity of genetic and genomic-based IVDs
FDA National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) Bioinformatic ToolsThe NCTR conducts research in bioinformatics and cheminformatics, as well as coordinating capabilities. The NCTR have created a set of bioinformatic tools with the goal of developing methods for the analysis and integration of complex omics (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics) datasets.Therapeutics, Diagnostics TRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesInfrastructure Bioinformatics tools
Multi-omic datasets
Database of Pharmacogenomic Information in Ethnic Minority Populations
Pattern recognition from microarray experiments, and proteomics research
Garvan Institute of Medical Research Research ServicesThe Garvan Institute of Medical Research has a range of established research capabilities that use state-of-the-art equipment and technologies to enable biomedical research. Some of these can be utilised by external researchers Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3 Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibilityInfrastructure Animal imaging
Genetically modified mice
Data science
Flow cytometry
Functional genomics
NATA accredited sequencing
Nanopore sequencing
Genomics Cancer Clinical Trials Initiative (GCCTI)The GCCTI supports the national cancer Cooperative Trials Groups (CTGs to develop cancer clinical trial protocols for studies of molecularly-targeted treatments across multiple cancer types. These trials require a shift from disease-focussed models of clinical care to molecularly focussed alliances of scientists and clinicians, which will require different networks. The GCCTI is designed to provide specialist technical support to facilitate these interactions, generate concepts and support grant applications. The GCCTI can provide input and support in a number of ways, such as testing concepts, assessment of trial feasibility, identification and approach of potential partners, grant development, and others.TherapeuticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical StudiesNetwork Molecular-targeted cancer therapies
Clinical trial ideation and feasibility
Cancer cooperative trials groups partnering
Grant development
Biostatistical support
Genomics Health Futures Mission (GHFM)The GHFM will provide A$500 million over 10 years under the MRFF. It provides funding for research to support the integration of genomics knowledge and technology into clinical practice. The GHFM implementation strategy guides research investment and provides transparency on purpose and direction of investment. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementation FundingResearch funding
Grant opportunities
Strategic information on funding priorities
Global Alliance for Genomics & Health Catalogue of Genomic Data InitiativesProvides a catalogue of genomic data initiatives that can be filtered by disease area, data type, initiative time and geographic region. The purpose of the catalogue is to identify and aggregate global resources for sharing clinical and genomic data. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesInfrastructureCatalogue of genomic data initiatives
Data sharing
Aggregate of global data resources
Global Alliance for Genomics & Health Regulatory & Ethics ToolkitProvides a range of resources surrounding the regulatory and ethics guidance for genomics and health-related data sharing, which are ready to use, or adopt for individual purposes.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementation Guidelines, Forms and templatesGuidance on genomic data sharing
Templates for data sharing
Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) Development of a table of standard costs for conducting clinical trials in AustraliaIHACPA have developed a robust set of standard costs associated with conducting clinical trials in Australia, which may help with costing/budgeting a clinical trial.Therapeutics TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies Guidelines, Forms and templatesGuidelines
Clinical trial costing
Standard costs associated with clinical trials
Industry Genomics Network Association (InGeNA)InGeNA is the Industry Genomics Network Association in Australia. They act as a united voice for industry partners in Australia in the field of genomics and precision medicine. They partner with other organisations across Australia, such as research institutions, as well as undertaking work relevant to the industry perspective of genomics, such as workforce, and data. InGeNA can offer support to projects in the form of letters of support and connections to their members and broader network. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementation NetworkLetters of support for projects
Connection to members and partners (including industry)
Links to useful references and resources
Diagnostics/pathology, technology, pharmaceuticals
IP Australia IP Australia is the Australian Government agency that administers intellectual property rights and legislation in Australia. As well as administering IP, they have a number of resources available, including educational information relating to identifying whether your idea is protectable by IP, and how to apply for patents, how to conduct a patent search, review a competitive landscape, and use of non-disclosure agreements.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6Discovery research, Idea generation, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesEducation and training, Guidelines and templatesIP education
Information on patent applications
IP searching
IP search databases
Information on patent searching
Non-disclosure agreement template
Knowledge Commercialisation Australia IP and Commercialisation Training Knowledge Commercialisation Australia is the peak body for research organisations involved in knowledge commercialisations and technology transfer. They offer free training resources associated with IP and commercialisation, for university researchers, staff and students. Therapeutics, Diagnostics TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementationEducation and trainingFree IP and commercialisation education and training
Online training modules
Macquarie University Centre for the Health Economy (MUCHE) training courses Conducts various short courses around health economics, such as health technology assessment and incorporating health economics into clinical trials. MUCHE works closely with government agencies, not-for-profit groups and commercial organisations. It can be engaged or partnered with to conduct services such as economic evaluation, program evaluation, policy assessment and econometrics. Therapeutics, Diagnostics TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Clinical studies, Clinical implementationEducation and trainingHealth economics training
Health technology assessment training
Health economics for clinical trials
Scholarship opportunities
Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) Documents for Applicants and Assessment GroupsProvides guidelines and templates for applying for a technology to be considered for public funding by the MSAC. This resource provides guidelines for preparing assessments for MSAC, and MSAC and MBS application forms. Diagnostics TRL 9Clinical implementation Guidelines, Forms and templatesPublic funding requests
MSAC Application Form
Medical Technology Association of Australia Clinical Investigation Research AgreementsThe Medical Technology Association of Australia along with the Southern and Eastern Border States (which includes NSW) Committee, have developed a suite of clinical investigation research agreements for commercially sponsored studies of medical technology.Therapeutics, Diagnostics TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesForms and templates, GuidelinesClinical Investigations Research Agreements
Agreements, forms of indemnity and compensation guidelines
Medical technology
Medicines Australia Clinical Trial Research Agreements Templates Medicines Australia along with the Southern and Eastern Border States (which includes NSW) Committee, have developed a set of five clinical trial research agreements, which can be used by any sponsor and/or institution for specific clinical trial scenarios. TherapeuticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical Studies Forms and templates, GuidelinesClinical Trial Research Agreements
Legally enforceable clinical trial agreement templates
MTPConnectAiming to accelerate the rate of growth of the medical technology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical sector in Australia. MTPConnect aims to build connections between research and industry to support the development of scientific and technological breakthroughs from the proof-of-concept stage through to translation and commercialisation. Through the Growth Centre Project Fund Program MTPConnect commits funding for projects and also operates multiple MRFF programs that commit funding to support projects. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical ImplementationNetwork, FundingSector connection and collaboration
Project funding through grant programs
Policy and regulatory advocacy
MTPConnect Bridge and BridgeTech ProgramsThe Bridge and BridgeTech Programs provide commercialisation training focused on the development of new pharmaceuticals and medical devices respectively. The programs are collaborations between universities and industry partners, and are available to researchers and entrepreneurs across Australia.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibilityEducation and training Commercialisation training
Pharmaceutical development
Medical device development
MTPConnect Researcher Exchange and Development within Industry (REDI) Training and Development ProgramsMTPConnect’s REDI initiative provides industry experiences and skills development for researchers, clinicians and sector professionals. REDI partners with research, training and industry organisations to support skills development and deliver workforce training. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical ImplementationEducation and training, NetworkAdvanced manufacturing and supply chain
Business operations
Clinical trials
Health data and cyber security
Product development and commercialisation
Internships and industry fellowships
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) Project Data Management Plan TemplateA template document provided by MCRI for a research data management plan, which includes sections covering ownership of data and intellectual property, data generation, collection, and use, data storage, post-project data, and others. This document can be tailored for research projects. Therapeutics, Diagnostics TRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesForms and templatesData management plan template
Online resource
NATA Criteria Accreditation PackagesContains various sets of documents associated with NATA accreditation to various standards. This resource is useful as regulatory applications are filed to implement diagnostic tests into NATA accredited laboratories to be performed in clinical practice.DiagnosticsTRL 3, TRL , 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementationGuidelines, GovernanceNATA accreditation
General accreditation criteria
ISO 17025 (testing and calibration) accreditation
GLP accreditation
NATA EducationVarious courses associated with understanding and practices relating to NATA accreditation. This resource is useful as regulatory applications are filed to implement diagnostic tests into NATA accredited laboratories to be performed in clinical practice.DiagnosticsTRL 3, TRL , 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementationEducation and training, GovernanceNATA accreditation
Understanding ISO 17025
Quality management in the laboratory
NATA Procedures for Accreditation (within NATA Criteria Accreditation Packages)This document contains information regarding the NATA accreditation process, including relevant standards for various programs, including human pathology, and the procedures for acquiring NATA accreditation. This resource is useful as regulatory applications are filed to implement diagnostic tests into NATA accredited laboratories to be performed in clinical practice. DiagnosticsTRL 3, TRL , 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementationForms and templates, GovernanceNATA accreditation
National Computation Infrastructure (NCI) AustraliaNCI is a high-performance data, storage and computing facility. It provides expert services to the Australian research sector to enhance the computational methods and capabilities available. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesInfrastructureData services
Supercomputing expertise
Data collections management
Data storage
National Model of Consent for Clinical Genomic TestingThis national model aims to facilitate a consistent and standardised approach to optimise the consent process for genomic testing. The resource contains a template for consent for clinical genomic testing, guidance for health professionals obtaining consent for clinical genomic testing, and patient information materials. This resource would be helpful in planning for the service delivery associated with new genomic tests, however could also be useful during clinical evidence generation.DiagnosticsTRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Clinical studies, Clinical implementationForms and templates, GuidelinesClinical genomic testing
Consent template
Patient information
Guidance for healthcare professionals
National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council (NPAAC) Accreditation StandardsNPAAC is responsible for developing and maintaining the accreditation standards for pathology laboratories in Australia. They publish various accreditation standards which may be applicable to the development of diagnostics in genomics. In particular: Requirements for human medical genome testing utilising massively parallel sequencing technologies Requirements for medical testing for human genetic variationDiagnosticsTRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementationGuidelines, Governance Pathology accreditation standards
Genetic pathology
Massively parallel sequencing
Development of IVDs
National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council (NPAAC) Requirements for the Development and Use of In-House In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices (IVDs)The Requirement for the Development and Use of In-house In Vitro Diagnostics Medical Devices (IVDs) outlines the principles and assessment criteria by which in-house IVDs must be designed, developed, produced, validated and monitored for use by medical laboratories in Australia.DiagnosticsTRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementationGuidelinesPathology accreditation standards
Requirements for development of IVDs
Principles and investment criteria
NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre (CTC) at the University of SydneyThe NHMRC CTC is a centre of excellence in clinical trials research at the University of Sydney. They design and deliver trials related research, including coordination, monitoring, data acquisition, and management, and statistical analyses. The CTC conducts research across a range of areas including oncology, cardiovascular, health economics, translational research, biostatistics, kidney health and others. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesInfrastructure Clinical trials research centre
Clinical trial design and delivery
Analysis of trial data
Health economics, biostatistics, biomarker expertise
NHMRC Indemnity and insurance arrangements for clinical trialsNHMRC has conducted a review that outlines the indemnity and insurance arrangements concerning clinical trials across the public and private sectors.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesGuidelinesClinical trial indemnity and insurance
NHMRC Management of Data and Information in ResearchA guidance document that supports the implementation of the ‘Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research’, which includes the appropriate generation, collection, access, use, analysis, disclosure, storage, retention, disposal, sharing, and re-use of data and information. This resource is useful at all stages of the translation pathway, as data is often accessed, collected, analysed, stored, shared, and re-used at various stages. Therapeutics, Diagnostics TRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementationGuidelines, GovernanceData management
Responsible conduct of research
Responsibilities of researchers
NHMRC Risk-based Management and Monitoring of Clinical Trials Involving Therapeutic GoodsA guidance document that supports the NHMRC ‘Guidance on Safety Monitoring and Reporting in Clinical Trials Involving Therapeutic Goods’, that combined advice regarding the application of risk-based trial processes, primarily written for sponsors of non-commercial products.TherapeuticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesGuidelines, GovernanceNon-commercial products
Risk management
NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation Clinical Genomics Model of Care and ToolkitProvides information around the service delivery of clinical genomics services, and associated toolkit resources associated with this, such as the referral criteria and information templates. This resource is useful at late-stage clinical studies to design them with the ultimate model of care in mind, and during implementation of genomic technologies.DiagnosticsTRL 8, TRL 9Clinical studies, Clinical implementationGuidelines, Forms and templatesModel of care
Clinical genomics
Implementation toolkit
Referral criteria and form
NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation Patient-reported measures resourcesA set of resources associated with patient-reported measures, including information on how to use them, various questionnaire’s available, and online trainings. Use this resource during clinical studies to ensure that patient-reported measures are captured.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesEducation and training, Forms and templatesPatient-reported outcome measures surveys
Patient-reported experience surveys
Clinician and patient resources
NSW Government Intellectual Property arising from Health Research Policy DocumentThis policy directive states the obligations of Public Health Organisations and employees regarding intellectual property arising from health research. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesGuidelinesIntellectual property obligations and guidelines
Intellectual property protection
NSW Health Centre for Genetics Education Clinical Genomics Research ResourceThe clinical genomics research resource provides clinicians and clinician-researchers with important concepts associated with conducting clinical genomics research. This includes information and considerations associated with study design, ethics, participant consent, data management, and returning research results. Use this resource as you prepare to conduct clinical studies for genomic technologies.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesEducation and training Clinical genomics research
Ethical considerations
Gathering expertise
Project design and preparation
Participant recruitment and accessing samples
Generating and analysing genomic data
NSW Health Commercialisation Training ProgramProvides short training courses (on various topics including intellectual property, clinical trials, regulatory affairs and navigating the healthcare system) that provide knowledge and skill on how to commercialise innovations successfully. There are a variety of courses, suitable for those undertaking commercial research and development. If in the early stages, there is an online course and seminars on building foundational commercial knowledge and skills. The program also offers targeted training in specific sectors including therapeutics, medical devices, software as a medical device and diagnostics for those who are more progressed and have validated their idea.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Discovery research, Idea generation, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesEducation and trainingCommercialisation
Introduction to IP
Regulatory affairs
Clinical trials
Navigating the healthcare system
Business fundamentals
Customer discovery
Medtech foundations
Specialised training in medical devices, diagnostics, therapeutics and software as a medical device
NSW Health Early Phase Clinical Trials (HREC) SchemeThe Early Phase Clinical Trials HREC Scheme (a service of clinicaltrialsNSW) provides support for consistent, high quality, scientific ethics review and approval process for all clinical trial phases up to but not including phase II. Therapeutics TRL 5, TRL 6Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesGovernance, Guidelines, Forms and templatesEarly-phase clinical trials
Ethics application
Ethics review and approval
NSW Health Education and Training Effective Business Case Design A short course which helps NSW Health staff with the principles and skills required to develop a successful business case within NSW Health organisations.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Clinical studies, Clinical implementationEducation and trainingBusiness case development
Training on business case requirements and development
NSW Health Increasing the Scale of Population Health Interventions: A GuideA guide for the scaling up of health interventions, which covers a scalability assessment, developing a scaling plan, preparing for scaling up, and then scaling the intervention. It can also be useful when considering designing research studies for interventions that are potentially suitable for scaling. Therefore, this resource may be useful during late clinical studies and clinical implementation.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 8, TRL 9 Clinical studies, Clinical implementationGuidelinesScaling health interventions
Scalability assessment
Developing a scaling plan
Preparing for scaling up
NSW Health Intellectual Property & Commercialisation FrameworkThe NSW Health Office for Health and Medical Research has updated the policy directive on intellectual property arising from health research, and provided a guidance document that aims to provide accessible information to NSW Health employees engaged in the commercialisation of intellectual property. The policy directive only applies to employees within NSW Health Public Health Organisations.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesGuidelinesIntellectual property protection
Commercialisation of intellectual property
Guidelines and framework
NSW Health Medical Devices FundThe NSW Health Medical Devices Fund is a competitive technology development and commercialisation program. The fund provides funding support to individuals, companies, public and private hospitals, medical research institutes, and universities based in NSW across the medical devices industry to take local innovation to market. The Fund increases the uptake of NSW medical devices by the health system, where they are cost effective and contribute to improved patient outcomes.Diagnostics, DevicesTRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Product developmentFunding, CommercialisationMedical device grant funding
Technology development and commercialisation
NSW Health New Health Technologies and Specialised Services GuidelineThe NSW New Health Technologies and Specialised Services Guideline outlines the process for the assessment and implementation of new health technologies from the local to statewide level.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 9Clinical implementationFunding, Guidelines, Forms and templatesSpecialty health services
Purchasing decisions
Statewide implementation
NSW Health Pathology Research ServicesNSW Health Pathology offer a range of research services, such as access to biospecimens and data, as well as being able to perform a range of genomic sequencing services, which can support research projects in various ways.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6,Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesInfrastructure, GuidelinesClinical research services
Biomarker discovery
NSW Health Statewide Biobank research services
Analytical and/or clinical validation of new tests
NSW RNA Production and Research NetworkProvides the research community with the required materials, services, and support to translate newly developed RNA therapeutics into advanced pre-clinical studies, and includes three pillars; Production, Pilot Research, and Services & Support.TherapeuticsTRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5Preclinical testing and feasibilityNetwork, InfrastructuremRNA. RNA. LNP production
Animal testing
High-throughput tests
GLP and GMP training
NSW Treasury Business Case ResourcesGuidelines and templates associated with developing a business case for investments by the government.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Clinical studies, Clinical implementationGuidelines, Forms and templatesBusiness case development
Business case templates
Ocular Gene and Cell Therapies AustraliaA joint initiative between Sydney Children’s Hospital Network, Children’s Medical Research Institute, Save Sight Institute, and the University of Sydney, which aim to accelerate the genomic diagnosis and development of novel genetic therapies for ocular diseases in Australia. The program is made up of research experts. The work includes the translation of multi-omics for additional diagnostic and mechanistic insights in ocular diseases, development of further novel genetic and cellular therapies, and clinical trial and clinical delivery of genetic therapies.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementationNetwork Advanced therapies
Multi-omic research
Paediatric and adult ocular diseases
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator ResourcesResources, such as guidelines, forms, and protocols, which are associated with the regulation of the use of genetically modified organisms in human health – including developing diagnostic tests, treating genetic diseases with gene therapies, and developing targeted medicines. Use this resource during clinical studies and clinical delivery to ensure that the proper regulations around gene technologies are followed. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Clinical studies, Clinical implementationGuidelines, Forms and templates, GovernanceResearch on gene technology
Physical containment facilities
OmicoOmico is an initiative which bring together partners from leading cancer centres, research institutes, the government, industry and patients, to help facilitate the use of genomics in cancer clinical trialsTherapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesNetworkCancer molecular screening
Pathology Technology AustraliaPathology Technology Australia is the peak body of Australian sponsors, manufacturers, and distributors of in vitro diagnostics and innovative pathology technology.DiagnosticsTRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical Studies, Clinical implementationNetwork, GovernancePathology
Peak industry body
Representation of manufacturers and importers of tests and technologies
Patient Organisations (multiple)Many individual patient organisations exist across Australia and globally for a wide range of diseases. Patient organisations may help in multiple ways, however support provided will vary by specific research project, and individual organisation. Some areas in which patient organisations may help, include: Many individual patient organisations exist across Australia and globally for a wide range of diseases. Patient organisations may help in multiple ways, however support provided will vary by specific research project, and individual organisation. Some areas in which patient organisations may help, include: Providing grants and funding for promising research projects that have the potential to improve patient outcomes in that specific disease area May be able to help with further understanding of patient perspective, management, and outcome of interest in the specific disease area, which can be utilised in product development and clinical trial design May help with patient recruitment for studies across Australia Can be involved in providing consumer/ patient voice for funding applicationsTherapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementationNetwork, Funding Funding opportunities
Patient recruitment
Patient voice
Phenomics AustraliaPhenomics Australia is supported the Australian Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) and provides a range of services to enable precision medicines, and better health through discovery of gene function.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibilityInfrastructure Mouse sperm and embryo biobank
Bespoke in vivo genome engineering and disease modelling
In vitro genome engineering and disease modelling (includes cell, organoid, tissue models and 3D bioprinting)
Next-generation sequencing
Bioinformatic capabilities
Functional genomics
High-throughput screening
Missense mutation library
International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium searchable database of genomic and phenotypic information for in vivo disease models
Postgraduate Courses (various)There are numerous postgraduate courses offered across a variety of topics which may be useful in learning and developing knowledge and skills across a range of topics. Individual courses from various postgraduate courses may also be taken as opposed to undertaking an entire course. Some of the relevant courses in NSW include: University of Sydney Genomics and Precision Medicine University of New South Wales Medicine and Health Short CoursesTherapeutics, Diagnostics TRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementationEducation and training Short postgraduate courses
Genomics and precision medicine upskilling and training
Ramaciotti Centre for GenomicsIncludes multiple pieces of technology/ infrastructure associated with sequencing, expression analysis, and high throughput microarray systems, which are useful during the early research, preclinical testing, and feasibility stages of development.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibilityInfrastructureSequencing
ISO 17025 accredited
Sydney Cell & Gene TherapyProvides access to leading experts, state-of-the-art GMP certified clean room facilities, and robust quality systems intended to promote advances in cell and gene therapies. The facilities and expertise offered can be useful during clinical studies to enable product development utilising appropriate grade material.Therapeutics TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studies, Product developmentNetwork, InfrastructureGMP clean rooms
Aseptic and biocontained manufacturing suites
NATA accredited pathology
Technical expertise
Sydney Health Partners Clinical Trial ResourcesContains various resources for those who want to learn more about running clinicals trials. It includes resources for investigator-initiated trials, such as ethics and governance information, electronic mater file resources, lists of standard operating procedures, and more.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesEducation and training Investigator-initiated trials
Electronic trial master file
Clinical trial recruitment
Sydney Health Partners Ethics and Governance ResourcesProvides some resources associated with understanding and applying for ethics and governance approvals for clinical and health services research.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesEducation and training, Governance Ethics and governance
Governance checklist
HREC fundamentals
HREC submission deadline calendar
Sydney Health Partners Genomics and Precision Medicine PartnershipsGenomics and Precision Medicine Partnerships is a Clinical Academic Group of Sydney Health Partners, with an implementation science research approach for upskilling and integration of genomic diagnostics and advanced/precision therapies across all subspecialty groups.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsClinical studies, Clinical implementationEducation and training, Forms and templatesGenomics and precision medicine upskilling and training
Implementation science
Network of experts (ophthalmology, paediatrics, women's health and family medicine, nephrology, metabolic medicine and neurogenetics, implementation science, diagnostic genomics)
Research on genomics translation and model of care
Sydney Health Partners Implementation Science Resource HubA library of resources (including articles, videos, textbooks, and templates) to help develop skills in implementation science, which may be useful in late-stage clinical studies and implementation.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsClinical studies, Clinical implementationEducation and training, Forms and templatesImplementation science
Implementation in research grants
Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise (SPHERE) GenomeConnect Clinical Academic GroupA core team with clinical geneticists, genetic counsellors, genetic pathologists, biomedical scientists, health economists, and education experts, whose goal is to provide further education in genomics, create genomics transition clinicians, and better manage patient’s genomic information.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8, TRL 9Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studies, Clinical implementationNetwork, Education and training Clinical genomics education and workshops
Network of experts (clinical geneticists, genetic pathologists, health economists)
Research on genomics translation and model of care
Terra BioTerra is a scalable platform for accessing data, running analysis tools and collaborating in biomedical research, including an online data library, interactive analyses, workflows and workspaces as part of an open data ecosystem.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5 Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility Infrastructure Data management
Data discovery
Cloud-based tools and workspaces
Therapeutic Goods Administration Clinical Trials InformationProvides information, guidance and forms associated with the regulatory considerations of initiating clinical trials in Australia.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesEducation and training, Guidelines, Governance Good clinical practice inspection program
Clinical trials notification scheme
Clinical trials approval scheme
Therapeutic Goods Administration ICH Guideline for Good Clinical PracticeThe International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) Guideline of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international accepted standard for designing, conducting, and reporting of clinical trials. The Therapeutic Goods Administration have provided some additional comments on this Guideline. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsClinical studiesEducation and training, GuidelinesPrinciples of ICH GCP
Investigator brochure
Clinical trial protocol and protocol amendments
Therapeutic Innovation Australia iQDOCs – Quality DocumentsContains a set of over 450 open access generic quality system documents that relate to development, manufacturing, and testing to satisfy the requirements of a relevant regulatory or accrediting body (including NPAAC, TGA, FDA). The variety of quality documents are useful during preclinical and feasibility testing through to late clinical studies.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesForms and templatesQuality documents
ISO 17025
ISO 9001
ISO 13485
ISO 15189
PICS GMP Medicines
TGA cGMP Human Blood and Tissues
University of New South Wales (UNSW) Founders 10X AcceleratorsUNSW Founders 10x Accelerators are suited for high potential tech-enabled startups. Two of the streams that are relevant to potential genomic technologies and are open to anyone are the Health (H10x) accelerator, designed for teams developing affordably and scalable solutions for global unmet medical needs, and the SynBio (S10x), which accelerate the growth of synthetic biology start-ups through providing access to PC2 labs and shared scientific infrastructure.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4Discovery research, Idea generation, Preclinical testing and feasibilityNetwork, Funding, InfrastructureAccelerator
Synthetic biology
Global health needs
Commercialisation expertise
University of New South Wales (UNSW) Recombinant Products Facility (RPF)The RPF is an ISO 9001 accredited research facility located at UNSW that offers protein production and purification services. The RPF also offers training.TherapeuticsTRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesInfrastructure, Education and trainingISO 9001 accredited
Protein expression
Protein production
Protein purification
Protein characterisation
University of Sydney Digital Research Infrastructure Provides access to many high-performance computing and cloud facilities, digital platforms and tools, including research data management platforms. These tools may be useful from early research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, and clinical studies for the various data and computing needs associated with the use, analysis, and generation of data in genomics-related research.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesInfrastructureResearch computing facilities and services
Research data management platforms
Bioinformatics platforms
University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation (CHERE)The CHERE conduct research into health economics, health services, and health policy. The centre runs two programs funded by Cancer Australia to support cancer research. The Cancer Research Economic Support Team (CREST), which provides expert advice to the cancer cooperative trials groups (CTGs) on the use of health economic approach, and economic evaluation, to evaluate the costs and outcomes of interventions being tested in cancer clinical trials. Similarly, the Cancer Quality of Life Expert Service Team (CQUEST) provide high-quality advice and support to the CTGs about the inclusion of patient reported outcomes in their clinical trials and other studies.TherapeuticsTRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8 Clinical StudiesInfrastructure, Education and trainingHealth economics
Cancer clinical trials
Patient reported outcomes in cancer clinical trials
University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Good Manufacturing Practice CoursesUTS, in partnership with SeerPharma, provides various programs designed to provide knowledge of regulations, compliance, and process development and quality assurance in the pharmaceutical, medical device, and biotechnology sectors. These programs can be accessed to gain knowledge of Quality Good Manufacturing Practice for product development. TherapeuticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studies, Product development Education and trainingQuality Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) education programs
Process development and quality assurance
Regulations (TGA, FDA, EU and PIC/s) and compliance
VCCC Alliance Consumer Engagement ToolkitThe Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (VCCC) Alliance provides toolkit resources to support organisations to engage with consumers effectively and enhance their quality of engagement and partnership. Resources such as the ‘Consumer engagement in research’ checklist can be useful for researchers looking to build relationships with consumers to enable them to be effective members of their research projects. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesEducation and training, GuidelinesConsumer engagement
Consumer participation requests
VCCC Alliance Investigator-Initiated Trials ToolkitThe Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (VCCC) Alliance, along with the Melbourne Academic Centre for Health, and the Melbourne Children’s Trials Centre, have developed a suite of resources to support researchers conducting investigator initiated trials. This includes information and resources associated with outlining roles and responsibilities in conducting these trials, preparing clinical trial budgets, risk management of these trials, and data management. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Clinical studiesEducation and training, Forms and templatesInvestigator-initiated trials
Clinical trials budget
Clinical trial agreement
Risk management
Data management
Venture Capital (various)Venture Capital is a type of funding that provide private capital for early-stage companies in exchange for equity. Whilst there are over 100 venture capital organisations active across Australia, due to the unique considerations associated with investment into life science technologies, only a limited few typically invest in this sector. Companies which are active in life science investment include (however are not exclusive to): Brandon Capital UniSeed OneVentures BioScience Managers The IP GroupTherapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesFundingFunding
Private capital
VicHealth Partnerships Analysis ToolA resource for organisations entering into or working in a partnership to assess, monitor, and maximise ongoing effectiveness. This resource is useful for understanding the purpose of collaborations and determining ways to strengthen new and existing partnerships. Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4, TRL 5, TRL 6, TRL 7, TRL 8Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibility, Clinical studiesEducation and training, GuidelinesPartnerships analysis tool
Assessment and monitoring of partnerships and collaborations
Checklists and assessment tools
Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Biomedical Data Science Facility ServicesAids in the generation, interpretation, and analysis of large biological data sets, which may be useful in identifying and validating product hypotheses. These services are likely to be useful during the early research and Preclinical testing and feasibility stages of the value chain where one may be developing large datasets for analysis, such as from imaging, multi-omic research, and high-throughput screening.Therapeutics, DiagnosticsTRL 1, TRL 2, TRL 3, TRL 4Early stage research, Preclinical testing and feasibilityInfrastructureData science services
Software development
Genomic analysis

About this navigation tool

This navigation tool is a supporting resource to the NSW Health Translating Genomics Research into Clinical Practice Framework that maps supports (services, infrastructure, capabilities, resources) across the genomics translational value chain in NSW.

Researchers can view and export resources relevant to the maturity of their genomic technology along the Technology readiness level (TRL) development pathway.

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We provide this navigation tool for genomics researchers to access a summary of resources available that could help progress their research.

The material on these resources may include the views or advice of third parties, it does not necessarily reflect the views of NSW Health or our commitment to a particular course of action. We do not necessarily endorse the information. Please make your own decision on how accurate, current and reliable the information is.

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Current as at: Monday 9 December 2024
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