Text alternative - Example of an outcomes hierarchy for the NSW implementation of the Healthy Workers Initiative

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Reduction ​in the risk of chronic disease in adults in NSW

  • Awareness of targeted communication messages (Communication & Marketing Strategy) leads to awareness of services (Communication & Marketing Strategy) (Get Healthy Workforce Strategy), use of Get Healthy Coaching Service, individual behavioural change in adults in paid employment in NSW (including changes in weight status, and changes in dietary (fruit and vegetable), smoking, hazardous alcohol and physical activity behaviours).
  • Awareness of targeted communication messages (Communication & Marketing Strategy) leads to awareness of services (Communication & Marketing Strategy) (Get Healthy Workforce Strategy), use of GetHealthy@Work Service, and changes in attitudes, knowledge, commitment to workplace health promotion​.
  • Awareness of targeted communication messages (Communication & Marketing Strategy) leads to awareness of services (Communication & Marketing Strategy) (Get Healthy Workforce Strategy), use of GetHealthy@Work Service, changes in attitudes, knowledge, commitment to workplace health promotion​, changes in organisational policies and practices in workplaces to be supportive of healthy behaviours, and individual behavioural change in adults in paid employment in NSW (including changes in weight status, and changes in dietary (fruit and vegetable), smoking, hazardous alcohol and physical activity behaviours).


Reproduced from St George A, King L. Evaluation Framework for NSW Implementation of Healthy Workers Initiative (Revised June 2011). Sydney: Physical Activity Nutrition and Obesity Research Group, University of Sydney; 2011.

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Current as at: Friday 9 August 2024