A change in pharmacy ownership need only be notified to the NSW Ministry of Health (Pharmaceutical Services) if the pharmacy is a methadone or buprenorphine dosing point under the NSW Opioid Treatment Program and the new owner wishes to continue this.
The new owner should contact Pharmaceutical Services on (02) 9391 9944 (during business hours) at least 7 working days before taking over ownership. If notification is not made, the pharmacy may not be able to obtain methadone or buprenorphine for the Program.
All of the pharmacy dispensing records as well as the Schedule 8 and Schedule 4 Appendix B prescriptions remains the responsibility of the pharmacist proprietor of the pharmacy being sold/closed. Schedule 8 and Schedule 4 Appendix B prescriptions must be retained for two years from the date of the last transaction, and be available to an authorised NSW Ministry of Health inspector or a NSW police officer on request. The Schedule 8 and Schedule 4 Appendix B retained prescription repeats should not be cancelled. For information on how to manage these requirements in the particular circumstances of your pharmacy’s closure, contact the Duty Pharmaceutical Officer at Pharmaceutical Services during business hours on (02) 9391 9944.