Our information directory is your go-to guide for all the answers and information you need quickly and easily regarding the legislative requirements for medicines and poisons in NSW.
Please visit Pharmacists for information on:
Please visit Prescribers for information on:
The Pharmaceutical Services Unit cannot provide clinical advice or instruct a health practitioner to issue a prescription or dispense a medicine. Please contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice on access and the use of medicines.
Please visit Patients and consumers for information on:
Please visit Licences and authorisations for information on:
Information for applications to prescribe Schedule 8 cannabis medicines is available at Cannabis medicines. Also see Frequently asked questions — Cannabis medicines.
General practitioners, community pharmacists and in rural areas all other health practitioners considering using a cannabis medicine as a treatment for their patient may contact the John Hunter Hospital Pharmacy Department for guidance via HNELHD-JHHPharmacy@health.nsw.gov.au.
For information or enquiries regarding health practitioner code of conduct or professional practice please refer to the relevant professional regulators:
Web: Pharmacy Council of NSWEmail: HPCA-PharmacyCouncil@health.nsw.gov.au Telephone: 1300 197 177
Web: Medical Council of NSW Email: HPCA-medicalcouncil@health.nsw.gov.auTelephone: (02) 9879 2200
Web: HPCAEmail: HPCA-mail@health.nsw.gov.auTelephone: 1300 197 177
Note: The Pharmaceutical Services Unit cannot instruct a health practitioner to provide a prescription or dispense a medicine.For further information on concerns on professional practice, please see Making a complaint.
If you still have questions, please Contact Pharmaceutical Services.