End of Life and Palliative Care Research Grant Program

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The End of Life and Palliative Care Research Grant Program 2024/25 to 2026/27 (the Research Grant Program) provides funding for research activity that will contribute to improving end of life and palliative care (EOLPC) services for patients, carers, and families in NSW. ​​    ​

Frequently asked questions

If you have further queries about the End of Life and Palliative Care Research Grant Program, please refer to frequently asked questions below. 

Frequently​ asked questions

Program objectives

The objectives of the Research Grant Program are:

  • ​Contribute to the evidence base of service delivery that improves health, social and experience outcomes for people with EOLPC needs in NSW. 
  • Support research projects that have potential to be translated into EOLPC policy and practice, providing broad benefits for patients, carers, families, and/or communities across NSW. 
  • Build the capacity of collaborative EOLPC research involving research institutes, NSW Health agencies, non-government organisations and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations.   

Applications will need to demonstrate how the proposed research activity meets the Research Grant Program objectives.

Priority research areas

Applications will need to demonstrate how the proposed research activity meets one or more of the Research Grant Program priority areas:

  • Pharmacological and non-pharmacological symptom management for patients
  • Collaborative care models across teams and settings to improve patient, carer, family and community experiences and outcomes
  • Culturally and socially inclusive care for Aboriginal, culturally and linguistically diverse, and LGBTIQ+ patients, carers, families and communities
  • Psychosocial support for grief, loss, and bereavement for patients, carers, families and communities.

Funding details

An amount of up to $2.7 million over three years is available for research grants in NSW that respond to the Research Grant Program priorities and demonstrate potential to be translated into EOLPC policy and practice, with broad benefits across NSW.

Available funding 

  • Smaller scale research activity ​$50,000 to $100,000 per year (up to $300,000 over 3 years to June 2027) ​
  • Larger scale research activity ​$100,000 to $200,000 per year (up to $600,000 over 3 years to June 2027) 


Who can apply

  • ​The lead agency is​ a NSW based research institute, university, local health district, specialty health network, non-government organisation (NGO), or Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) 
  • Where the lead agency is a local health district, specialty health network, NGO, or ACCO, the research project is undertaken in partnership with or demonstrates formal affiliation with a NSW based research institute or university  ​

Additional requirements

Applications must 

  • Demonstrate that the Principal Investigator has relevant experience in palliative care research or related fields and is affiliated with a NSW institute or university 
  • identify a separate administering organisation the lead agency is a NSW Health organisation, to manage funds across financial years, as the full funding amount will be paid upfront
  • Ensure the research is conducted in NSW  
  • Address one or more Research Grant Program priority areas in the EOI proposal 
  • Clearly state the scale of the research project and ensure the proposed budget aligns with the funding limits available per annum 
  • Schedule the research project for completion by June 2027 ​

Eligible research types

 ​The types of small and larger size research activity eligible to be undertaken as part of the Research Grant Program include: 
  • ​Translational research that takes existing evidence and applies it to improve EOLPC practice. This type of research bridges the gap between discovery and practical application in clinical settings.
  • Implementation research which focuses on how to effectively introduce and scale evidence-based EOLPC interventions in real-world healthcare settings, ensuring they are practical, sustainable, and impactful.
  • Health services research focused on optimising health systems to improve the integration of EOLPC across community and hospital-based services provided by NSW Health and partners.
  • Population health research that addresses health and social disparities and explores strategies to improve access to EOLPC services for underrepresented and vulnerable populations, including in rural and regional communities. 
  • Applied research focused on solving practical challenges within EOLPC service delivery that can drive innovation and improve outcomes.
  • Clinical observation research that monitors and analyse outcomes of existing EOLPC practices, helping to identify areas for improvement and optimisation.

Important dates

  • ​​​Expression of interest (EOI) applications open:  14 February 2025
  • EOI application close:  23 March 2025 5pm AEDT
  • Full application open (by invitation only): 7 April 2025
  • Full applications close: 18 May 2025 5pm AEDT

Funding guideline

​End of Life and Palliative Care Research Grant Program - Grant Opportunity Guidelines

Download guideline

Apply now

End of Life Palliative Care Research Grant Program - Application forms

Please note: The application forms you are about to download have been compressed into a ZIP format. Please ensure that you have the necessary software to extract the contents.

​All applications should be sumbitted by email to MoH-PalliativeCare@health.nsw.gov.a​u by 5pm on 23  March 2025.

Lead agency and partner d​etailsExpression of interest proposal​

Information session

​This recorded webinar provides applicants with valuable insights about the End of Life and Palliative Care Research Grant Program 2024/25 to 2026/27 and the application process.​​​

Current as at: Tuesday 11 March 2025