ComPacks information for local health districts

Community Packages (ComPacks) are non clinical packages of case management and home care services for patients being discharged from hospital, delivered through the Out of Hospital Care (OHC) Program.

This information sheet provides key information for local health districts (LHDs).

Last updated: 14 December 2022

What is ComPacks?

ComPacks is a non clinical package of case management and home care services. It is available to patients for up to 6 weeks after leaving a NSW public hospital.

Why ComPacks?

ComPacks provides a safe and supported return home with immediate access to home care services.

What is provided and how?

Case management

Patients are allocated a case manager who will be their main contact throughout their package.

The case manager will assess the patient in hospital or at home, develop a care plan and co-ordinate some of the following services to meet the patient’s identified needs:

Personal care

Assistance with bathing, oral care, hygiene, dressing, grooming and monitoring medication.

Domestic assistance

Cleaning, vacuuming, mopping, laundry and shopping.


Meals delivered to the home or meal preparation.


For medical and other appointments.

Social support

Accompaniment to appointments, shopping, paying bills.

In home respite

Support for carers.

Who is eligible?

A person who:

  • is being discharged from a NSW participating public hospital
  • has been identified as medically stable by the LHD in-patient treating team and no longer requires hospitalisation
  • is at risk of readmission unless ComPacks is utilised
  • is of any age **

**While these packages are available to people of all ages they do not generally cater for the specific needs of children. Instead the packages are there to supportparents in their caring role.

Who can refer patients?

Most LHDs have identified key referrers or teams that assess patients for eligibility and then either make the referral directly to the Service Provider or via the LHD centralised intake service.

How do I refer?

Once a patient has been identified and screened by staff, LHD referral protocols need to be followed. This could be:

  • a direct referral to the Service Provider using the OHC referral form
  • a direct referral via the Service Provider’s Intake Portal
  • a referral via the LHD centralised intake service.

When do I refer?

  • Referrals are made when the patient is still in hospital.
  • After the Estimated Date of Discharge (EDD) has been established.
  • The discharge destination of the patient has been determined.

What happens after ComPacks has finished?

ComPacks is available for up to 6 weeks. Before this package ends, the case manager may link the patient to ongoing services. This may involve referrals to My Aged Care or referring patients to advocacy and other services for assistance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) application or appeals process.


Local health districts nominate hospitals to participate in the program. These are generally hospitals identified as having significant demand.


ComPacks is a State funded initiative and is managed in conjunction with LHDs by the NSW Ministry of Health Out of Hospital Care (OHC) Team.

How much does ComPacks cost?

Patients are expected to contribute a nominal fee towards the package. The inability to pay will not exclude any patients from accessing this service.

Current as at: Wednesday 14 December 2022
Contact page owner: Out of Hospital Care Program