If you want to re-enter practice as a nurse or midwife, you have to complete one of the following Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) approved re-entry to practice pathways:
Pathway 1: A period of supervised practice
Pathway 2: Completion of a NMBA approved re-entry to nursing program
For further information on re-registration, visit the NMBA Re-entry to Practice Policy and the Framework for the assessment of nursing and midwifery applicants for re-entry to practice.
Re-entry scholarships are also available. Visit Nursing and midwifery scholarships and financial assistance for more information.
If you're currently a registered nurse or midwife but have had a break from clinical practice, a refresher program may be an option.
Visit refresher program for registered nurses or refresher program for registered midwivesfor more information.